A week before Iran’s New Year’s Knowles, family and friends gather together in a bundle of open fire and leave them illuminated until dawn.
The annual festival dates back 2,500 years ago and has roots in pre-Islamic Persia.
The ancient Iranians bid on Chaharshanbeli to drive away all the misfortunes and bad premonitions, with hope that their wishes would come true.
Street Festival is a symbol of Iranian health, cultivation, light and purity
Literally means “Wednesday celebration,” Chaharshanbe Sri has its roots in ancient Persian traditions.
“Fire” is a critical element of Chaharshanbe Suri, and this practice mainly involves setting up bonfires on the streets and jumping over them.
In ancient Persia, fire was considered a sacred element. This is the belief that Zoroastrians are still stuck.
This fire gives people warmth and energy, and in return stealing paleness, illness and problems.
Many different traditions continue this evening in various Iranian cities.
Jumping over the fire and buying a special mix of sweet, sour nuts takes place in almost every city in Iran.
It is believed that eating these nuts on this occasion will fulfill your wish.
With increasing progress in modern life, the celebrations have been leaping over bonfires and transforming and transforming into the night of firecracker departures for years.
Tradition struggles to survive between all sparkles and sparkles, dust and the pollution of modern life.
You are more likely to catch locals on the streets, sing traditional songs, or observe centuries-old habits in small cities and rural areas.
3,000 years later, Chahar Shanbesri is still marked as part of the Persian New Year’s ritual. The 3 Millenian tradition is thought to shake the darkness of winter and welcome the vibrancy of spring.
However, traditional festivals are also dangerous. Every year, authorities launch public awareness campaigns on the dangers of fireworks.
At the end of the year festival, around 26 people were killed and more than 4,360 were injured in Iran.
Reported by Tohid Mahmoudpour