TEHRAN – The Persian translation of “Redesigning Education” by Kenneth G. Wilson and Bennett Davis has been released in bookstores across Iran.
The book was translated by Arash Al-Dehari and Amin Hashemi and was printed in 320 pages by Akhtaran Publishing, Mehr reported.
Nobel Prize-winning physicist and education reformer Wilson and co-author Davis argue that American public education is dangerously out of step with the demands of today’s post-industrial, knowledge-based society. “What educators need most is to find an organizing and driving vision, a new paradigm powerful enough to promise a systemic redesign of American public education.”
Combining Wilson’s experience in science and industry and curriculum design with Davis’ experience as a journalist specializing in education, Redesigning Education explores how the process of redesign produces a series of integrative changes. , it shows how the country’s educational infrastructure can be developed based on it. To spread the most effective ideas from school to school, the authors envision a national education system modeled on agricultural extension services.
Wilson and Davis provide evidence that suggests a fundamental shift away from a centuries-old set of assumptions may already have begun. For example, a school restructuring program devised at Johns Hopkins University found that learning improved significantly when detailed authority over the curriculum was taken away from regulators and organized across a network of schools supported by research and development organizations. It became clear that it would be done.
Several studies have demonstrated that groups of students who study together learn more than students who study alone. Reading Recovery is a unique method of teaching reading and writing to lagging first graders and, contrary to conventional wisdom, research, development, and ongoing teacher education support teaching and learning, even in the most difficult of circumstances. shows that it can play an important role in making the world more efficient and effective. Difficult educational situation.