The fund forecasts that Iran’s economy will expand by 3.1% in 2025, below the regional average growth rate of 3.9%.
The IMF has predicted that Iran’s gross domestic product (GDP) will increase by $29 billion next year to $463 billion.
According to Press TV, Iran announced that the non-oil sector of its economy will also expand by 2.3% in 2025.
The IMF estimates that next year Iran’s oil production will average 3.1 million barrels per day and natural gas production will reach the equivalent of 5.2 million barrels per day, making the country the region’s second-largest hydrocarbon producer after Saudi Arabia. are.
According to the World Financial Organization, Iran’s oil exports will reach an average of 1.6 million barrels per day in 2025, and gas exports will reach the equivalent of 400,000 barrels per day.
The IMF predicts that Iran’s inflation rate will continue to decline next year, reaching a four-year low of 29.5%, but still higher than all other economies in the West Asia region.
The report predicted that Iran’s current account balance would remain positive in 2025 at $13.9 billion, higher than many economies in the region.
IMF data shows Iran will have access to $33.8 billion in foreign assets next year, despite the continued US sanctions regime restricting Iran’s access to banking services.
Figures show that Iran is expected to remain at 1.8% of GDP in 2025, the lowest in the entire region.