According to Press TV, Prime Minister Amir Saiy De Irabani said on Friday, “This claim is justifying a repeated violation of the Israeli administration’s Security Caution No. 1701 (2006) and the positive ignorance of the ceasefire agreement with Lebanon. There is nothing but an excuse to do. “
“The administration does not intend to keep the promise of withdrawal from South Lebanon after the scan of 60 days, in accordance with the specified requirements, but rather, the Israeli administration justifies Lebanon’s continuous illegal occupation. He has raised such unfounded accusations, “he added.
His reaction was written in the letter to the UN Secretary -General of Antonio Gutless and the Amar Benjaman Ring Security Council chairman, in accordance with the UN ambassador to the UN ambassador to Danny Dannon on January 13.
“Irabani has been accused of incorrectly accusing Iran that Iran has been smuggling the advanced weapon system to Lebanon.”
Mr. Irabani forced the Security Council to fully fulfill the Israeli administration’s obligations based on the ceasefire agreement, instantly suspend Lebanon’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and withdraw the army without delay. He said he had to do it.
He added, “If you do not take a decisive action, the administration will spur further violations and risk peace and safety in the West Asian region.”
Iravani also strongly refused to “accuse the United States and the British representatives to the Republic of Iran Islam during the public meeting of the Security Council on January 25.”
He said, “It is completely unfounded and lacking in reliability that the destructive and unstable activities in the region are due to the Iran -Islamic Republic.”
This is an intentional attempt to attract attention and to conceal the directing of the defendant’s massacre and war crimes that the Israeli administration had performed against Palestinians in Gaza. “
“The unconstrained accomplice between the United States and the UK that promotes these crimes is completely documented,” said Irabani, saying, “The unconditional support of the two countries is even more impressive without being punished by the Israelic administration. He also encouraged him to commit a crime. “
He stated that the principle of the Islamic Republic in this area was “to end occupation, establish fair and permanent peace, and guarantee the self -determination of Palestinian people in accordance with international law.” 。