The Commander of the Tehran -Pakistan Navy is Aman -25, a future multinational maritime movement, which will be held in Karachi from February 7 to February 11, and has about the participation of Iranian Islamic. He expressed his enthusiasm.
In an exclusive interview with Iranian news agencies in Islamabard, Admiral Ashraf emphasized a long -standing constructive relationship between Pakistan and Iranian Navy. He also showed his enthusiasm to further expand and strengthen this partnership.
When the Iranian Chief of Staff, General Mohamad Bugyer, officially visited Islamabard, Pakistan has expanded its formal invitation to Iran for the movement of Aman 25.
Tehran welcomed the invitation and strengthened his common interest in strengthening military cooperation.
Admiral Ashraf points out that Pakistan emphasizes the contribution of Iranian Navy to promote more powerful maritime cooperation. “We have a lot to learn from each other’s maritime experiences. When we are looking forward to the Aman-25, the Pakistani Navy has a deeper cooperation with Iran through exercises between the two countries and multilateral. I want to engage in, “said Admiral Ashraf.
“As a neighboring country, we share strong bonds, and the interconnection of maritime threats and issues remains unwavering,” he added.
Admiral Ashraf emphasized visiting Iran in 2021 and in the summer of 2023 the interconnection of Pakistan in Iran’s Navy. He said.
Admiral Ashraf also discussed the evolving maritime security environment in the area. He pointed out that the geopolitical environment remains unstable and complicated, especially in the context of the growth of regional geological economic competition. “Our maritime security is closely related to the rapidly changing dynamics in the Indian Ocean, and we must re -adjust mutual interests accordingly,” he said.
The Admiral also mentioned the actions in the Red Sea, especially the continuous threats brought by Israel. In particular, Israel has passed the tension passed through important maritime routes such as Aden Bay and passed safely. “Neighboring countries believe that the collaboration within the focused areas of maritime security frameworks in focusing areas can be strengthened in order to guarantee that the stability of the sea will be maintained through collective efforts,” he said. The Admiral emphasized.
To further discuss the safety of the region and the navy’s abilities, Admiral Ashraf emphasized the progress of the Pakistanian Navy’s domestic production, self -sufficiency, shipbuilding, fighting warships, missile systems, and commercial vessels. He has expressed a strong desire to tie with allies in regions like Iran in mutual concerns, such as maritime technology and advancement of abilities.
Multinational Aman-25 maritime exercises are expected to attract more than 50 countries and are one of the most important maritime movements in this area. This year’s theme is “peace together”, focusing on maintaining maritime order, enhancing collective abilities, and strengthening the cooperation of regions and regions to promote mutual understanding.
On Friday, the Iran Islamic Revolutionary Security Corps (IRGC) Navy has launched their solo large -scale military exercises in the southern state of Bushia and Kusestan, focusing on the coastal sea.
In cooperation with the guidance of the Islamic Revolution leader Ayatra Seed Ali Ali Hamee, Iranian troops with both the Army and IRGC have consistently upgraded military equipment and are improving operation.