Vice Admiral Alilleza Tungsille launched a wide range of IRGC Navy units from a wide surface (coast) from a wide surface (coast) to a reporter in the South Port City Buyale in Iran on Sunday. Was fired. A press conference reported on military exercises for large Payambar-E-AAZAM.
He has a new version of the QAEM and Almas’s precision guidance missile that incorporates an artificial intelligence function that attacks the combat drone of IRGC Multrall Mihijar-6 Istal Unmanned Aircraft and Ababiru-5 to the specified target. I noticed that I am prepared.
Commander said that the IRGC Navy had first launched Navvab missiles and provided air protection on the indigenous ShahiD (Martyr) Soleimani Patrol Combat ships.
TANGSIRI emphasized that the IRGC Navy fired cruises and ballistic missiles, and also launched a QADR missile upgrade version with improved range and accuracy to compete with electronic warfare.
According to Commander, Payanbar -Ezam Navy’s exercises aimed to promote the preparation of the IRGC Navy in the face of all the enemy’s adventure, and sent a message of peace and friendship to neighboring countries.