At a meeting with Prime Minister Romantic Golovenko on Thursday, he must use important regions and international trends and agreements, such as Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) to promote trade and trade. I emphasized that it would not be broken. Economic cooperation, especially the private sector of local countries.
He said that Iran’s Islamic Republic is trying to strengthen its comprehensive relationships and interaction with countries that share political, cultural and historical similarity.
Other places in his remarks, Iran’s first Vice President emphasizes the need to strengthen the Iran -Berals Joint Economic Committee to pursue and implement previously ink agreements. did.
He emphasized that Iran’s Islamic Republic, which is talented and benefited from the most talented human resources, has gained fruitful experiences in the field of knowledge and in modern technology in international fields. 。
Prime Minister Belarus said on his side that the two countries should use the opportunity of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) to improve their relationship with the union.
Iran and Belarus have added Golovenko that they have high potential to enhance their relationships in all fields and should consider this issue.
He said that Iran’s Islamic Republic blessed the membership as an observer in the Eurasian Economic Union, and that Iran’s existence greatly contributed to the economic and political abundance of the Union.