According to doctors, two -year -old Habiba Al Ascari has a day to live because the destroyed Gang sneaks in her arms and legs, and only urgent medical evacuation from Gaza may save her life. 。
She has a rare genetic state: protein C deficiency can cause excessive blood coagulation and delay death. This state is very treated, but not in Gaza. In Gaza, a long -standing war in Israel in Palestine’s jump has broken medical institutions and supply.
Earlier this month, the international aid group worked through the complex process of obtaining permission from Israeli authorities in order to allow Javiba to leave Gaza for treatment.
According to Cogat, a Israeli institution that coordinates the permission to move inside and outside Gaza, Javiba has been officially permission to leave Gaza. The nearby Jordan authorities were set to take her to Amman for treatment in accordance with CNN reports on her lawsuit. Earlier this week, a complex mission began to move, preparing to evacuate Jordan on Wednesday.
However, at the last minute, Israeli authorities delayed the mission, and Jordan officials told CNN that it was an overwhelming surprise for her family and doctors. For now, she remains in Gaza, and her condition is getting worse.
My heart took her with me in my arm and wanted to run over the border with her
“Habiba’s life is being dangerous now,” said her upright mother, Rana, told CNN on Thursday. “Why don’t they understand why she doesn’t allow her to be treated. What kind of crime did she commit?”
Cogat did not respond to the repeat requests of the CNN in the comments on delay.
According to the United Nations, Javiba is one of at least 2,500 children in Gaza, which urgently needs medical evacuation. Under the recently signed ceasefire and a hostage release agreement between Israel and Hamas, which dominates Israelites, Israeli authorities are to increase the number of Gaza residents permitted for treatment.
However, medical evacuation from Gaza has not been held for two weeks. According to the World Health Organization, the last evacuation was January 16th. According to the United Nations, about 12,000 Gaza is waiting for medical evacuation.
Cogat used to be “in recent months” for CNN, “in recent months” from Gaza to other countries, and for 1,075 Gaza residents seeking medical care, “other countries” can be made in other countries. He said.
Doctors warn the disconnection
On Thursday morning, Habiba was hospitalized in the intensive care room in Gaza, which is suspected of lung infection. Surrounded by foreigners and local doctors who are scrambling to keep her alive, she is barely conscious and painful during their struggling breath.
The infant’s arm and right legs became black with GANG. The doctor told CNN that it was necessary to cut the right leg and could be too late to save his arms.
Defered GANG can lead to sepsis (infection that spreads in blood flow), increasing the risk of rapid organs and death.
Jordan’s high -ranking officials have been promoting the demands of evacuating Javiba with Israelites, and Amman is ready to move quickly.
The Gaza’s health system does not have a diagnostic tool that clearly determines what is happening to her. Dr. Mohamed Kujes, a pediatrician from Colorado, told CNN that he recently left Gaza after volunteering with NGO Rama World Wide.
Dr. Kuziez first treated Habiba a few weeks ago in Gaza City, and supervised her care, as the first step in the evacuation process, Israel, was waiting for a medical institution to move south.
But as soon as he returned to the United States, he received the dramatic news of her condition. “I’m trying to be there to support my mother and provide a medical advice we can provide,” he said, saying with tears.
“But in my heart, I’m worried that it was too much. She still has hope, but it’s just a little decrease.”
He is struggling with the knowledge that if she accessed the appropriate facility, she could have been treated in time. When Dr. Sujes left Gaza, he remembered, “My heart wanted to take her in my arm and cross the border with her.”
He warned that stopping her evacuation would be a death sentence. “For those who have medical knowledge, it seems to be an intentional propulsion for killing this child. There is no other way to explain it. This child needs emergency rescue emergency. “
(Source: CNN)