In a statement issued on Friday -Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Security Corps (IRGC), Mohamad Deif’s Mart and other commanders of Al Cassham Brigade were sorrowful DOL.
IRGC explained the MAR teacher as “a splendid star that continues to plant fear and fear in the hearts of the criminals and their supporters.”
Thursday, Hamas’s spokesman, Abida, Mart’s MART’s respected commander of the Kassam Brigade, MART religion, Ma One Issa, Gaji Abu Tamaa, Raired Tabet, Rafa. We announced with Salama.
The Israeli administration claimed in July 2024 that it had performed a strike targeting Mohammad Deif, but these claims were unidentified by Hamas and lacked independent verification.
IRGC’s statement also praised other commanders of the proud Palestinian resistance who fought against the “Evil Zionist administration’s army”, to release their bright heritage, and to eliminate “cancer”. Israeli tumor in consideration of faithful and invincible Islamic resistance front guidelines.
The statement is that the vitality, growth, continuous empowerment, and vitality of resistance, along with important events and results on the way to release Jerusalem, are the sacrifice and heroic act of great men. I emphasized.
“These men have created eternal honor through their Palestinian sacred land occupieders on the battlefield on the battlefield, and created an eternal honor and created a roll model and guidance lighting of Jerusalem in Jerusalem. I read the statement.
The IRGC has created the stimulating and permanent record of Palestine’s Marriers, especially after the “Operation Operation of the Alumasus Storm on October 7” on October 7, to the Israeli administration, lust, resistance, and relentless struggle. I added it.
The IRGC has emerged by Mart Deif’s Mart Trainer and other commanders of the QASSAM Brigade to inject new blood into the vein of Palestinian Islamic resistance fighters.
“We will strengthen the will and preparations of the children of the Palestinian people, pursue the goal of continuing to be immovable, releasing Jerusalem, and raising the Palestinian flag beyond the sacred land.”