“Despite all statements about Iran, Iran supports members of the resistance in this area,” said Ambassador Moditaba Ambassador Amani. The decision on this is made by the Iran itself. The Zionist administration does not achieve anything with the crime. “
He added that the Israeli administration’s actions are enhancing Iran.
Previously, Vahid Jalzadeh, a vice consul, parliamentary consul from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who traveled to Lebanon, and Vahid Jalazadeh, a foreign expatriate in Iran, in a speech in Syed Hassan Nasralala, a former secretary of Baylat’s Lebanon Hizbola. I talked. Marty teachers spent their lives on the path of MART religion, and ultimately realized his wishes in his heart. “
Iran’s member of the Diet and diplomat said, “We are here today and witness the defeat of the enemy. We hope that Lebanon’s country and the government will progress and the people in this land will experience a better day than the future. Masu.”
He met many Lebanon officials to emphasize the resistance of Zionist’s enemies and Iranian support for Lebanon people.
He met Lebanon’s Foreign Minister Abdara Boo Havibb and emphasized the support of Iranian countries.
“I talked about the latest issues related to Lebanon’s officials and Syrian citizens from Irann, who were evacuated to Lebanon as a result of the development of Syrian.
He said, “I am convinced that this is a factor and motivation for the reconstruction and progress of the new President Lebanon’s election and the imminent formation of the Lebanon government.”
Jalard Dade also met Lebanon’s chairman Navi Beri and discussed the latest development of Lebanon and the region, and two countries.