Al Haya said in a Friday speech, saying, “Our and their brave resistance have achieved their goals with the brilliant floods of the brilliant Al Axusa.”
“The chief in it was to humiliate the substance of the seizure, bring it to the ground with Allah’s will, and destroy the myth of being invincible in both the nation and the army,” he said. I did it.
He said that now the battle has stopped and the dust has settled down, the resistance has decided to officially announce MART, a many senior commander, who sows water with pure blood on this blessed land.
“At the expense of their sacrifice, the trees of honor and dignity have grown, and the victory has bloomed. These leaders fulfill their duties, take over the banners, raise them high, and have a solid guidance of the new generation. I was promoted to a person.
He continued to say that the blessed resistance movement was always at the forefront of Mart, standing with our people in the same Trunkh and sharing their sacrifice.
“The blood and body of our leaders mix our people’s blood and body,” he said.
“History records that the alkassam heroes traveled around the brigade and the resistance promised our people. They have vowed and respecting the pledge.” He said.
“We are now seeing a heroic prisoners one after another, but the soldiers of the profession have been humiliated and broken in our land and are in the resist and trial of people who support Palestine. He is being chased, “he said.
He said, “We have said goodbye to these great leaders, and we have lived for many years and worked together.”
“We are sad about their loss, but we are proud of them and their Martism. Our comfort has left as an immovable MARist and never weakened. They know that they will not be submitted. “
“We pay special respect to the commander of Jihad and Resistance. The name is loved by millions of people who are afraid to the enemy’s heart, and hunt his enemy for over 30 years. He is about all the people who chased. “
“Martyr Mohammed Deif began a struggle when there was no rifle or bullet. Hamas and its Alcasham Brigade had only clear vision and nobreaking will,” he said.
On Thursday, Alcasham Brigade, Hamas’s military department, announced some MART, a military council leader in the battle with the invasion of the Israeled Gaza area.
Alcasham Brigade Chief confirmed the death of Deputy Commander Malwan Issa, who was fighting Abida Brigade on Thursday.
The other commander who was killed in the battle was the commander of Gaji Abu Tamaa, the commander of weapons and battle worship, and the commander of the supplier and the commander of the Khan UNIIS Brigade. It contained Lafeha Sarama.
The Commander of the Northern Brigade, Amead Al Gundol, and the Commander of the Central Brigade, Aiman Nofal, were other famous Hamas members who were killed in battle.
Mohammad ‘Abu Khaled’ Deif is known for his outbreak, surviving at least seven attempts in his life in Israel. He was an important person in coordinating the military operations against Israel.
Beyond the axis of resistance, FACT lamentes and praise the Alcassam Brigade, led by Commander Deif, a great MAR leader.
MNA/Press TV