AYATOLLAH SAYED RUHOLLAH MOUSAVI KHOMEINI has defeated Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, a political leader of Iranian Islamic Revolution in Iranian and 1979, a MARJA clerk, MARJA.
After the revolution, Imam Homeini became a magnificent leader of Iran -the most important person in the new Islamic political system -to his end.
Imam Homeini was regarded as Margha E -Takrid for many Muslims, and was officially addressed in Iran as Imam, not Grand Ayatra. His supporters complained of the tournament. Imam Homeini was also the most noticeable in the development of Verayat E Fagn’s theory, a very influential and innovative Islamic politician and “the protection of the Ulys Consultal”.
He was born in Homaine, a city in central Iran, 1320 (September 24, 1902), in Jumada II 20 (September 24, 1902). (He was born on the birthday of Lady Fatima Al Zar (A), so his birthday anniversary is exceptionally counted according to the moon calendar.)
His father, Side Mustafa Musavi, was studying Islamic subjects in Najaf, but at the same time as Ayatra Millsa Silan. Homainers mentioned their religious issues, but were killed five months after the birth of Side Luhola in the battle with the brutal local governor.
SAYYID RUHOLLAH grew up under the director of his mother, Hajieh Agha and his paternal aunt, Sahiba Khanum.
Ruhollah Khomeini shouted from a religious family through the seventh Imam (Imam Musa Kazem), a descendant of the prophet Mohammad.
His paternal grandfather sought in Ahmad Musavi, where his wife Sakine gave birth to Musavi in 1856. Imam Homeini’s mother’s grandfather was Milza Ahmado Moduthedo Hong Sari, a high -ranking clergy of high rank Iran in the center of Iran. Shah has led to a concession to the monopoly given to a British company.
At the age of six, he began studying the Collalan, a sacred book of Islam. He received early education at his home and local schools under the director of Mura Abdul Cassem and Shak Jaffer, and was under the view of his brother Ayatra Pasandide until the age of 18.
He was arranged to study at Islamic Princeds in Esfahan, but instead was attracted to Arak’s seminar. Iraqi Najaf and Calvara’s biggest scholars).
In 1921, Imam Homeini began research in Arak. The following year, Ayatollah Haeri-Yazdi transferred to Islamic Society to a holy city and invited students to follow the students. Imam Homeini accepted, moved, and moved to the Dal Al Chafa School in QOM before being expelled by Iraqi’s holy city Najaf. After graduating, he taught Islamic Law (Shalia), Islamic philosophy, and mystery for many years, and wrote many books on these subjects.
Imam Homeini became Margha in 1963, and after General Hosein Bolgeldi died.
Imam Homeinini spent many years at the Islamic Princeds of QOM for the long -standing to teach laws, law, Islamic philosophy, mystery, Islamic ethics, laws, and principles.
At Najakh, he taught Maszide Al Shaf Al Zam Al -Anari the theme of Islam, including advanced levels of law, for almost 13 years. During these years, he taught some sessions on the theoretical evidence of his doctrine, Willayato Al Fak, for the first time.
According to his students, his class was one of the most important classes in Najaf’s priests. In some periods, the number of participants in his class reached 1200, of which many famous Mujitahid.
Life in exile:
Imam Homeini has been in exile for more than 14 years in the sacred city of Najaf, Iraq. Initially, he was sent to Turkey on November 4, 1964, where he stayed in Bursa for less than a year. He was hosted by Colonel Turkish named Ali Ketina in his own house.
In late October 1965, he was allowed to move to Najaf, Iraq, and stayed in 1978 until he was forced to leave in 1978 after President Saddam Hosein driving him. Then he went to Nee France Le Chateau in France.
In early 1970, Imam Homeini held a lecture series in the Islamic government in Najaf, and later published as a book entitled the Islamic government or Islamic lawyer. This is his most famous and influential work, layout his ideas on governance at the time.
However, in the meantime, Imam Homeini does not advertise his idea outside his opposition in Islam, which he had been working to build and strengthen for the next 10 years. I was careful. The copy of the cassette lecture is, for example, a Jewish agent, an American snake that must be broken by a stone, which is a common item in the Iranian market, which is a common item in the Iranian market. It helped to solve the power and dignity of. Shah and his reign.
As the protest grew, the profile and importance of Imam Homeinini grew. During his last few months of his exile, Imam Homeini receives the constant flow of reporters, supporters, and celebrities, and wants to hear the mental leader of the revolution.
Return to Iran:
Just two weeks after Shah fled from Iran on January 16, 1979, Imam Homeinini returned to Iran on Thursday, February 1, 1979, and was invited by the already ongoing anti -shear revolution. In a conservative estimation, at least 3 million Iranians welcomed.
Originally, Ayatra Homeini was planned to enter Iran on January 26, but Prime Minister Shapool Bactia announced that the airport would be closed. He declared from Paris Homeini that he would return as soon as the airport was resumed. The closure of the airport has led to a wide range of protests and strikes. 28 people died in Tehran alone. The airport was resumed on January 29.
International QUDS Day:
A few months after the revolutionary victory, on the moon in Ramadan, 1399 (August 1979), Imam Homeinini declared the last Friday of the holy month in Ramadan as the QUDS day, and is suppressed by the Islamic world. Defends Palestine’s rights to indicate.
Since then, large marches and rallys have been held in Iran and other countries to show support and solidarity with Palestinians.
This day is the title of International QUDS Day.
The end of Imam Homeinini:
On Saturday, June 3, 1989, Imam Homeini died of cancer at the age of 89, and died of 11 days at a hospital to stop internal bleeding. More than 10 million from all over the country attended the funeral of Imam Homeini and formed one of the world’s largest funeral.
Following the end of Imam Homeinini, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei was selected on June 4, 1989 by a rally of a successor, a successor in accordance with the constitution.
Imam Homeini’s Mise is a national holiday in Iran every June 4th. The leaders of the Iranian Islamic Republic gives this opportunity at the ceremony every year.
Mohaddeseh Pakravan edits