The first celebrity Islamic opportunity of Shaburn’s brilliant moon is the third unpopular Fallible Imam and the third descendant of the holy prophet, Imamali (AS), and Hazura Fatima Zera (AS). Madina, who raised Madina, the second son of SA), Madina. One year after the birth of -e-Munawwara Hazrat Hasan (AS).
Imam Hasan and Imam Hussein, the sacred Imam Ali Iven Abbn Avi Talib and Hazrat Fatima, as described by the holy prophet, were respected as “the leader of the youth in paradise.” I was respected.
Imam Hussein (AS) was born in the fourth year of the Hijul Calendar, and other years are said to be the third year of Hijul Calendar. Allah’s messenger personally performed the religious ritual of blessed newborns and performed rituals.
Imam Hussein’s name
The holy prophet (PBUH) named his child “Hussein”, just as he named his brother “Hasan”. The historian states that the Arabs did not know these names until the prophet was named his grandson. Rather, the Holy Prophet gave these names based on the revelation of God.
Later, this prestigious name spread knowledge and religion on the earth, his memory wrapped around all the language of the world, and became a synonym for those dedicated to him. In their views, it was a sacred slogan of all high cases and all sacrifice slogans based on the truth and justice.
Young year
Unfortunately, the sweet year of Imam Hussein’s childhood ended soon. He was about seven years old when he said his last word about AHL AL-Bayt and then departed from this world. Sadly, the Islamic world lamented.
The loss of the mother of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Imam Hussein (AS) and the oppression of Imam Hussein (PBUH) in addition to the pressure he faced from the government, suffering from Imam Hussein’s beautiful soul. I did it. This period was consistent with the three caliph days.
During this time, Imam Hussein (AS) has decided to follow the path of Imam Ali (AS) as Muslims and followers, and even if he is a young man, he decides to protect the truth on any opportunity he received. did. He warns people about the changes added to Islam after Mise of the Prophet Muhammad (S). With the best manners, Imam Hussein (AS), his father and his brother will express their objections to the changes that the rulers of their era have made to religion.
Allah’s messenger said, “Hussein is from me and I’m from Hussein.” The last part of the tradition above means that Imam Hussein (AS) has saved the religion of the prophet Muhammad from completely annihilation by sacrificing himself and his family.
Imam Hussein’s noble proverb (AS)
-For me, death is something other than happiness for the right thing, and living under a tyrant is nothing but living in hell.
-The person who has the most abilities is a person who cannot pray.
-The dignified death is better than abolished life.
-If you do not believe in religion, at least you are free and honest in your actions
-Don’t suppress anyone other than the almighty god, who has no supporters.
Battle of Carbara
Imam Hussein (AS) is a hero and a historic personality. However, unlike forgotten historical personality, Imam’s struggle is never forget. His actions and Mart’s events have a significant impact on society and someone’s life behavior and cultural aspects. There are many lessons learned from this episode of courage, and it can now be applied at the time. Lessons are aiming not only for Muslims, but also all humans, and it would be peaceful and happy to follow his attitude.
More than 50 years of death of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the Muslim rulers were sliding into corruption under the tyrant of the Ummayad family.
Imam Hussein (AS) opposed Yajid’s evil control. Yajid was afraid of his ruthlessness and was hated, but Imam Hussein was loved and respected by society. Yazid realized this and understood that if he could convince Imam Hussein to support him, he would do so.
Imam Hussein had an option. There is a high possibility that they will support the tyrant, live a luxurious and comfortable life, or reject and be killed for his decision. Imam was unable to live his life as a dedicated political supporter, and his choice was easy. Imam Hussein refused. He said, “I just want to spread good value and hinder evil.”
Imam Hussein, who refused Yajido’s support, knew his life was at risk. Yajid has adopted a policy of killing anyone who opposed him, without allowing anyone to oppose him. Attention to this, Imam decided to leave his hometown Medina and take his family to Mecca.
Mecca, Mecca, a hippopotamus capital, and Baya Hussein, hoped to respect the holy city. But Yajid was not. Imam Hussein, who was forced to leave the mecca, has set a course for Kuffa. Iraqi city where he received a letter. Yajid predicted this, dispatching a huge army to prevent Imam Hussein from reaching Kuffa, and pushing them into the desert town of Calvara.
When they arrived in Calvara, Imam Hussein was surrounded by up to 30,000 yadders with his family and 72 friends. Imam Hussein refused to give up, despite its very large number of access to water. Yajid gave Hussein a final choice. Supporting the government or being killed.
After receiving the final notice from Yazid, I realized that Hussain would be killed in a few days. Imam gathered friends and urged him to escape. He explained that he was not him who wanted to kill him, but he was him. Again, Hussein’s selfishness is shining. He had been deprived of water in the hot desert and urged supporters to save themselves.
Nevertheless, Imam Hussein’s subordinate was faithful to him and continued to be faithful to their principles. Within a few days, Yajid ordered the army to kill Imam Hussein and his friends. When the dust settled down, Imam Hussein and his colleagues taught MAR. In the whole Yazid army, if he chose to support YAZID, he promised he could leave freely, but Imam Hussein refused, was finally killed, and firmly his principle. Holded.
Imam Hussein Hero in all countries
One of the ways to mark Imam Hussein’s memory and respect him among Shiites is to visit his holy temple in Iraqi Calvara (Ziyarat).
The biggest and largest form of Ziyarat will be held 40 days after Mart’s Mart’s MART anniversary of Iraqi, known as ArbaEen Pilgrimage or ArbaEen Walk.
All colors, caste, custods, ethnic groups, and beliefs will attend the pilgrimage of Urbaine. This event is not dedicated to a limited number of people with specific beliefs. ARBAEEN PILGRIMAGE offers a roadmap for a better life for all humanity.
Imam Hussein (AS) takes the international community closer and united them in a peaceful way during a walk in Albain. Millions from all over the world come to the dry desert of Iraq, get the national flags, walk 50 miles between Najaf cities, and head to Calvara, Imam Hussein is Muslims and Muslims. Indicates that it is not just a roll model. Shiite community.