Madrid -the United States President Donald Trump has revealed that King Jordan and the potential plans to move more than 1 million Palestinians from Gaza Street to other countries. According to Trump, he plans to deal with the issue on Sunday with Egyptian President Abdel Fatta Al Sishi.
In a conversation with a reporter on the Air Force 1, Trump states: “I want to bring people to Egypt. We are probably talking about 1.5 million people, and we have cleared it all and” What do you know? ” “”
The US President also praised Jordan’s hosting Palestinian refugees and urged King Abdora to take more evacuated individuals. “Looking at the entire Gaza Strip, it’s a disaster. It’s a real disaster,” Trump said.
This approximate number involved in “relocation” is actually equivalent to ethnic purification of Gaza’s population, but the Palestinian refugees evacuated between Nagba in 1948, when Zionist’s settlers were greatly expelled. It matches the same as the number. Part of native Palestinian.
The Palestinian population, which has endured Geno Side for more than 15 months, has been funded and supported by the United States, but has been determined to be immovable resistance. Despite the extreme difficulties and extensive devastations in the Gaza area, especially in the northern part of a small part of the house, the Palestinians continue to expressed the unusual desire to return to the house.
This desire to return to their hometown constitutes a clear rejection of planning to forcibly eliminate. The refusal to abandon Gaza and Palestine is a symbol of resistance, reflecting a firm opposition to suggestions suggesting immigration outside the region.
The land problem in the context of Palestine should be understood through a wider political lens, not from an essential perspective. In this regard, the disappearance of Palestine villages in NAKBA in 1948 must be regarded as an intentional strategy aimed at erasing the existence of Palestine from collective memory and physical landscape.
The destruction of these villages has been highly reached to the last stone, not limited to the physical elimination of the house, and tried to eradicate the story of a historic Palestine that contradicts the justification of the creation of the Israeli administration. 。 The archeological sites of these villages would have expressed the story of Palestine in the area before the establishment of the Zionist administration. This story,
The essentials of the Palestinian population was considered a disability to justify a new nation.
It is exactly this political background that drives the systematic destruction of the archeological site of Palestine village. This action fulfilled a double purpose. In addition to erasing the important evidence of Palestine’s existence in this area, it also symbolizes historical connections that can challenge the new story of Israel. The exclusion of these debris is part of a widespread strategy aimed at redefining local political and cultural landscapes, and erased traces of Palestine’s life before the establishment of the Israeli state.
In connection with this, the archeological site itself represents a tragic reality. It is the rest of the destruction of collective suffering and forced evacuation. However, the denial of the right to these archeological sites exceeds the immediate tragedy. It configures a deep rewriting of history. By trying to erase these archeological sites, not only the material of the evacuated Palestine community is denied, but also the basic part of the local history is targeted, and the official story is Palestine. Guarantee that it is prioritized over group memory.
Donald Trump’s proposal to drive Palestinians from Gaza should be considered as a continuation of the systematic policy of Israeli apartheit. These policies prioritize the expansion of the village of only illegal Jews in Palestinian land, not only strip the Palestinians from their land, but also integrate the suppression system that violates their basic rights. 。 In fact, those that are framed as a humanitarian solution permanently make the confiscation and separation system covered with incorrect compassion.
It’s not surprising that the first voice that supported Trump’s proposal came from Besarel Smallich and Itamar Ben Gwill. These leaders publicly propose measures to promote the expansion of the Israeli administration at the expense of Palestine’s rights. Under the humanitarian solution, such proposals are actually aiming to deepen their professional occupations and deny the rights to self -determination and justice.
As many other experts, including Mouin Rabbani, pointed out, Trump’s plan recognizes the existence of Palestinians as peaceful disabilities. In connection with this, expulsion from Palestine has been framed as the only executable solution to achieve this so -called peace. This perspective, in which the victim, the Palestinian population, is generally referred to as the long -term Geno side, not only distorts the reality of the dispute, but also strengthens the story of Palestinians as the main obstacle to peace. Not, it will be strengthened again. At the same time, the systematic policy of confiscation and violence that forms the current situation is ambiguous.
This point of view is to pay attention to racial and systematic policies based on racial and power -based Israeli and Palestinians who are considered “non -human”. In this framework, the existence of Palestinians as legal actors in conflicts is illegal, but confiscation and institutional violence to them are justified for decades. By presenting forced evacuation as a solution to peace, the roots of conflicts are ignored, and only Israeli occupants, denying the rights and dignity of Palestine people.
Palestinians’ relocation, Donald Trump effectively proposed and supported by Israel did not pass. Palestine people do not abandon the political and cultural connections linked to their land and their identity, as they could not achieve their goals through Genocide. Palestinians, regardless of the attempt to impose a solution to expulsion and their immovable attachment to their territory, with several decades of confiscation and displacement and dismissal and dismissal of their rights. We will strengthen the decision that the population will remain on their land.