The Meeting of Baleuto -Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netaniyahu and US President Donald Trump is very interested in Hebrew media, which is regarded as a strategic conference for discussions.
Netanyahu explained the conference as “reflecting the strength of the Alliance in Israel and the United States.”
The meeting in Washington said that the conference in Washington, the “Washington, the return of the prisoners, and the Iranian axis,” said Yedios Afuronos’ correspondent. Normalization with Saudi Arabia.
One of the important issues for Netanyafu is the new fate of Syria.
Before announcing the appointment as a provisional president, Arjurani disbanded the Army, abolished the 2012 constitution, and dissolved the People’s Congress, Bath Party, and the progressive front of the people.
The decrease in the dollar in Syria in the local market has caused concerns among economic experts when bread and transportation prices. No promise of three quartet salaries is not satisfied.
Syrian citizens were not convinced of the usefulness of giving hundreds of thousands of employees a three -month vacation for Hundreds of thousands of employees, especially in Arjurani, hired a large number of employees in various states.
Syrians are certainly tired of the dissolution of political parties, fearing that this leads to the confusion of political life. In accordance with the ruling party, the tyrannical politics will be integrated.
In parallel, Aljurani has been coordinating with the Syrian Democratic Army (SDF) in accordance with the plan that has been agreed with Abdora Okaran to untrad the Culdistan Workers’ Party (PPK).
According to the plan, the PPK is expelled from Syria in collaboration with the Kurdish National Council (the Culdistan of the Kurdistan area in Iraq), which is close to Turkey.
This plan aimed to reach a compromise ceremony to determine the fate of SDF because it fought with the Syrian Army (sponsored by Turkey) while trying to invade the east of Euphrates via the Tylindam and Karakozuku Bridge. 。
Ankara has not been able to guarantee Washington on the seriousness of establishing a new Syrian government. In other words, everyone carrying weapons in Syria, including SDF, must be obeyed.
Hakan Fidin, Turkey’s Foreign Minister, acknowledged that there was a difference in Washington for the formation of Syria, especially the fate of ISIS and the formation of the government, including all the components of the Syrian society.
However, Ankala announced that the US intervention was unintentionally operated by the US intervention, especially after the US intervention was not intended to withdraw from the southern Israel. I failed to overcome Washington’s refusal in the operation. Since December 8th.
No doubt, this position has supported Mazloum ABDI, Commander of SDF Army, who has been negotiating with Aljurani on his troops in the future, along with the status of RAQQA, DEIR EZZOR, and Aleppo. I am.
In connection with this, it is noteworthy that Sweida’s DRUZE community has announced that it will not hand over weapons until the new constitution and state institution are approved. DARAA has two armed groups that refuse to hand over weapons, demanding negotiations with Al-Julani.
SDF has withdrawn from two oil fields south of Rakka in cooperation with the United States. Later, he cooperated with Hayat Tahalir Al Sham (HTS) to return to Al Howl Camp’s detected.
In addition, it raised a new Syrian flag in the autonomous area and proposed a deportation from the Kurdistan Workers Party from Syria.
Aljurani, on the other hand, recognizing the Kurdish cultural rights and reducing the extensive authority of local councils, seeking to include them as individuals, not a group of security institutions.
Aljurani also welcomed Ankala to expellence of non -Syrian PKK leaders and the handover of Kurdish from Turkish, and has a prison, a prison, and a camp under his borders. Was guaranteed.
This is not achieved unless Trump supports the SDF request, especially integration into the Syrian army (integration as a single block) and the current location of the fixing share of petroleum revenue. That means. There is a tendency to maintain an alliance with them.
So far, observers and experts have no clear vision of Trump approach in Syria.