In a letter to the UN Secretary -General of Antonio Guterres and President Amal Benjamas of the United Nations Security Council on January 27, Amir Saed Irabani endured Iran, destroyed, and aggressive acts. He stated that it has been organized by terrorist groups since 1979 and has endured the act of invasion supported by external actors. 。
The following is the text of his letter:
The most caring, most mercy in the name of God
Your Honor,
Based on the instructions from my government, I am honored to tell you the encyclopedia of 23,323 Iranian terrorism victims (see the appendix). This comprehensive edit emphasizes that Iran’s Islamic Republic is not only a pioneer in the battle with terrorism, but also a high price as one of the major victims since the 1979 revolution. I am. The Iranian Republic of Iran has been adjusted by a terrorist loop from the beginning of the revolution and has endured the fear, overturn, and an attacking act of supported by external actors. Approximately 23,000 innocent Iranians, including women and children, have lost their lives due to these violent acts, targeting the indiscriminate and significant violations of international law, including human rights and norms. 。
For more than 40 years, Iran’s Islamic Republic has faced an unprecedented terrorist attack, including:
-The appearance of a terrorist group supported by foreign countries along the Iranian border city.
-Semicable assassination of nuclear scientists by the Israeli administration agent.
-Cash of high officials and ordinary citizens by Mojahedin-ekhalq organization (Mko).
Invasion of Iranian safety by Transtryon Takfili Group, such as -ISIS-K (Daesh)
-At assassination of Iran’s military advisor in fighting international terrorism in West Asia.
-Mart, more than 4,000 law executives opposing drugs that emphasize sacrifice made by major countries in fighting this global tragedy.
These attacks reflect intentional strategies for weapons for terrorism for political benefits. More than 30 terrorist groups, including Al-Qaeda, ISIS-K (DAESH), Mko, Komala, PJAK, JAISH AL-ADI, and JUNDALLAH, are often involved in these vicious crimes, and are often financial, logical, and political. I am receiving the support. External power. One of the worst cases of this campaign is the systematic assassination of government officials, scientists, and civilians provided with implicit support from outside stakeholders. These sustainable attacks and terrorism are configured to the crime of Iranian people, the United Nations Charter, especially the principle of protecting the protection of national sovereignty and civilians.
Considering the above, Iran’s Islamic Republic accuses terrorism in all forms and symptoms in as powerful terms possible, and recognizes it as one of the most important threats to international peace and safety. Masu. Iran is decisive in the commitment under the international law of fighting terrorism and promoting regional peace and stability. However, the international community must recognize deep suffering by Iranian people over decades of hostility and terrorism. It is essential to hear the victim’s voice and be respected, and to be released from the shadow of double standards and unfounded accusations.
I would be grateful if you distribute the current letter as a security board of the Board and as a general assembly document based on the agenda items 110 under the title of “Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism”.
Guarantee my best considerations and accept your His Excellency.