Tehran -For nearly 20 years, Western analysts and policy proprieters have repeatedly argued that Iran is trying to acquire nuclear weapons.
Many times, these predictions have been proved to be wrong. However, the same accusation often continues to risen as an excuse for justifying economic sanctions and political pressure.
A recent article on Majid Rafizadeh, published by Gatestone Institute, is no exception to warn Iran’s nuclear spirit. It is built based on the fundamental misunderstanding of incorrect information, double standards, and Iran’s regional roles.
One of the main claims in this article is that Iran uses diplomacy as a “deceived CEPT operation” to buy time for developing nuclear weapons.
This discussion ignores important facts. Iran has always argued that its nuclear plan is for peaceful purpose such as energy production and medical research. As a signature of the Non -Dal. Treaty (NPT), Iran has the legal right to develop nuclear technology, as in other countries. Despite the long -standing test by the International Atomic Energy Bureau (IAEA), no specific evidence has been found to prove that Iran is developing nuclear weapons.
I have never faced any of the scrutiny, compared to Israel, who has a nuclear weapon that has not been declared. Iran has been accused of constantly seeking nuclear weapons, but Israel is not a NPT signer, but has developed nuclear capabilities and will be added to its nuclear weapons with complete Western support. 。 This double standard is at the center of the problem. The problem is not Iran’s nuclear activity, but the selective enforcement of non -compulsory policies by western countries.
History of wrong prediction
For more than 20 years, Western Intelligence reports that Iran is “several months away” since the development of a nuclear bomb. It has been found that these estimated values are consistently wrong. If Iran really pursued nuclear weapons, it would have been built long ago.
In reality, these claims are politically motivated and are designed to justify the continuous sanctions and military threats to Iran.
In addition, through the willingness to engage in Iran’s negotiations, especially through the 2015 collaborative action plan (JCPOA), it explains that diplomacy is the main approach instead of deceiving CEPTION. Iran complied with JCPOA, allowed a wide range of tests, and restricted its nuclear activity. It was the United States who unilaterally withdrawn from the transaction in 2018. The actual problem proved that it was Washington’s reliability, not Iran’s compliance.
Double standards in the west and the role of Iran in regional security
This article depicts Iran as an unstable force in West Asia, but ignores the role of the United States and its allies in creating local confusion. In 2003, the United States invaded Iraqi under the wrong excuse, led to the rise of terrorist groups such as Daesh (ISIS). NATO’s intervention in the United States and Libya has changed the country to a failure. Washington, on the other hand, continues to support the oppressive government in the region, accusing Iran as “the Revolutionary Export.”
Iran, on the other hand, was an important player to compete with terrorism. Iran played a major role in the battle between Darsh in Iraq and Syria, but the United States and their allies confronted the terrorist groups.
The Iranian regional alliance group, which the west likes to call the “proxy supported by Iran,” is actually a defensive alliance for external threats. For example, hizvola was created in 1982 to respond to Israeli’s invasion of Lebanon. Yemen’s Ansarla emerged as a reaction to the US support Saudi Arabic attack. These groups are not Iran’s influence tools, but rather the power of their sovereignty. Supporting these groups that are fighting for freedom and independence consistent with Iran’s value.
Who is the real threat?
The article claims that Iran’s nuclear plan is a global threat, but ignores the very realistic and ongoing military actions taken by the United States and Israel. The United States assassinated Iranian leaders, including General QASSEM SOLEIMANI in 2020, with explicit war. The Israeli bombing regularly targets Syria, Lebanon and Gaza, and has no international results. The US military, on the other hand, maintains the Bay Bay base and constantly threatens Iranian safety.
If any of the countries have unstable Western Asia, it’s not Iran. It is the United States and its allies, and it continues to impose the will to the region through military and economic forced.
“Maximum pressure”: Repeat of failed policies
Another defect in the article is that Iran is “scrambling” to negotiate Donald Trump to return to the White House. This assumption is not only wrong, but also ignores the failure of Trump’s “maximum pressure” campaign.
Trump imposed the strictest sanctions against Iran, withdrew from nuclear trading, and increased military threats -Iran did not collapse. The Iranian economy was adapted, and the government continued its policy despite external pressure. The idea that Iran is afraid of returning Trump is just a hope. The real problem is whether the United States is ready to repeat a failed strategy just to enhance the tension in the past.
In addition, Iranian officials have consistently set up future diplomatic conditions with western countries, contrary to the claim that Iran is scrambled to negotiate. Iran has not appealed for the consultation. Before considering a new contract, we demand a clear guarantee and respect.
For nearly 20 years, the world has heard the same warnings for Iran’s nuclear plan, but nothing has been realized. This is when you are more than fear and incorrect information, and are involved with Iran based on mutual respect and international law.
Iran is not a West Asian invader. It is a country that has been repeatedly threatened, approved, and targeted by external troops. If the west wants a really peaceful future, you need to abandon the failed policy and find a solution that is advantageous for both sides.