Clashes broke out between extremists in Haat Taharil al-Sham (HTS) and rural residents of Qusayr, reported Thursday in the Qusaire countryside near the Lebanese Shusaiah border. The residents of Qusayr managed to defeat the extremists and captured two of them.
Meanwhile, HTS has detained 14 people from Hawik, including women and children, our correspondent added.
Shortly afterwards, the correspondent reported that an agreement had been reached for an exchange between residents of the border town and HTS.
The exchange process began at 10pm local time, and our correspondent reported that “women and children will be released in the town of Al Akrabiya due to the initiation of the exchange process at the Josiah Alkaa border intersection.”
The exchange took place under the auspices of the Lebanese army and the Lebanese Red Cross.
An hour later, our correspondent reported the completion of the exchange after the conflict halt. Heyat Taharil Al-Sham handed over two prisoners and detailed how he released 16 women and children in the town of Al-Akrabiya in exchange for two injured extremists and one body .