104 Indian citizens were deported to India on military C-17 aircraft.
President Trump made deportation the cornerstone of his second term, but that’s not new. Aljazeera reports that immigration authorities sent 1,368 Indians back to their home countries last year. However, no one reported abuse.
A brief request for food, medical care and travel to the toilet was allowed.
However, the family of Khusboo Patel, one of the deported back to India this week, says she had another experience.
“She was tied up to her entire journey and strictly restricted to her seat,” her brother Varun Patel told Al Jazeera.
According to CNN, Indian lawmakers have demonstrated that abuse is attracting attention outside of parliament. A group of young leaders of the opposition party burned Trump statues.
Akashdeep Singh said authorities had put him in chains before he left for flights from the US and did not remove them during the trip.
“We asked the military authorities to take it off and go to the bathroom, but they treated us horribly and without any issues,” Singh told CNN.
A video posted by US Border Patrol Chief Michael Banks confirms that Denner has left the United States.
Lawmakers are urging Prime Minister Narendra Modi to treat Decorty with President Trump at a scheduled meeting at the White House next week.
Many who come to the US without paperwork do so through what is known as the “donoroot.”
Their trips take them through multiple countries, led by people who charge large sums of money to take them on dangerous journeys. From India, the Republic’s world reports that it has obtained tourist visas to countries such as Guyana and Bolivia. From there they are taken to Colombia where they risk being attacked, raped or sexually abused by wild animals, but they will eventually arrive in Costa Rica or Nicaragua in 8-10 days.
It can take up to two years to reach the US. They often enter the country via illegal tunnels.
The 2022 figures show India ranks third in the number of undocumented immigrants to the US behind Mexico and El Salvador.
“Treatment with Indian citizens who drag them in like these criminals is unprecedented,” former Indian diplomat Anil Trignayat told Al Jazeera.