“We are not neglecting your problems, we will not forget your memories. If so, a terrible calamity would have hit you, and your enemies would have destroyed you. Fear Allah, strengthen your hand, so that he may ease the hardships that have caused you. (Quoted from Imam Mahdi (AS) Baharul-Anvar, Vol. 53, Chap. 21)
Such love, kindness, affection, even in partners, are not seen. After seeing so much kindness and compassion, whose hearts are not moved by their actions? Whose eyes will not shed tears in separation from such an imam while his love shines in his heart? Seeing such generosity makes him want to put his forehead at his feet. But the burden on Shin Benium is that our clutches of agility and bad conscience slow our steps.
The main reasons for his respected presence are thus explained by Imam himself.
We fulfilled the contract, but then we would not have fallen behind our meeting, and they would have received the blessings of our visit. ”
15th Sharban, 1446 (AH) – February 14, 2025 – is the 12th Imam Mahdi (SAWA) unrivaled imam, who is looking forward to his followers being featured again day and night. It’s birthday anniversary.
The only savior
Most of the world’s religions believe in the emergence of the Savior, regardless of whether they are sacred or earthly. Spiritual leaders of various religions discussed and discussed the subject. The Savior is said to be the Savior of Mankind
At the ultimate stage, it appears with justice and fairness after being filled with tyranny and oppression, deviance, ignorance, atheism, and spreading moral and spiritual leadership and monotheism.
The importance of the subject
The Holy Prophet (Sawa) states: It clearly shows that absolute recognition of the Imam is an obligation for each individual.
The Holy Prophet (Sawa) is reported to have
He said: “After me there will be 12 caliphs successors. Well, the evidence of Allah the creatures is 12, first my brother, and finally my son. “They asked,” he asked.
What son and your brother? ” He replied: “My brother Ali, son of Abi Taiyeb. My son Mahdi is someone who fulfills the world with justice and fairness when he is troubled by injustice and oppression.. ”
(Faraaedus-Simtain, Vol. 2, p. 226)
The Holy Prophet (Sawa) said:Even if there is a day left from the eve of the end, the Almighty will extend that day until he raises a man from my descendants. ”
Who is Mahdi (AS)?
The recognition of the Imam is essential, and after making it clear that there are 12 successors after the Holy Prophet (Sawa), it is better to know him as seen in Islamic tradition. According to many authentic documents available in Islamic sources, the following identification of Imam Mahdi (AS) was found:
Name: Mohammad
Agnomen: Abul Qasem
Title: Mahdi
Birth: Friday, 15 years old at Shaban 255 (Ah)
Father’s name: Imam Hassan al-Askari (as)
Mother’s name: Nargis Katoon
The start of minor occult and Imamato: 260 (Ah)
Major Occult and Imamat Start: 239 (Ah)
Similarly, the Prophet Noah (as): Lifespan
Similarly, the Prophet Moses and (AS): Hidden Birth
Similarly, the Prophet Job (AS): Patience
Similarly, the Prophet Jesus Christ (as): Shine
Place of reappearance: Holy Kaaba
Time of reappearance: No one knows anything but Allah.
A bright future of peace and happiness
The Holy Prophet (Sawa) states:He then said: “The inhabitants of heaven and inhabitants of the earth are satisfied with him. He distributes wealth equally, frees the Mohammad nation from needs or desires, and comforts them with his justice .”
Based on the words of no fall, Islamic scholars have the opinion that Mahdi’s signs will be stern against the ruler, generous to those who distribute wealth, and calm to those who are helpless at alleviating pain. It’s there. The faithful Ali Master (as) says about the characteristics of Mahdi: “When they (people) are in line with guidance to follow their desires, Mahdi (AS) shall change their desire to follow the guidance.
When they interpret the nine days as following their own prudence, Mahdi (as) shall realize that (their) prudence is followed by 9ORAN. Mahdi (as) shall demonstrate justice to you. Mahdi (As) shall utilize the commandments of 9oran and Sunnah, who had previously died and died. Imam Mahdi (AS) will fill the planet with equality and justice after being filled with cruelty and oppression.”
Furthermore, the Holy Prophet (Sawa) states, referring to the injustice and trembling of the tyrannical ruler: “If there is no remaining on earth within a day, Allah will extend the day until a man of my descendants comes and the rules come. A great event takes place through his hands, and Islam appears in itself…”
Therefore, not only Shiites, but all people around the world, expect him to establish peace and mercy for humanity.
I’m waiting for a perspective of responsibility
Intizar is the result of two conditions. First, he is not satisfied with his current situation, and secondly, he expects to see an improvement in his situation. If any of these conditions are not met, it is not waiting, and the person involved is not a waiter (Muntazar) (in Islamic terminology, the waiter equals expectations}.
The latency of Imam Mahdi (AS) retains the same distinct characteristics. Even here, we are waiting for those who are waiting to insist that they are not satisfied with his current situation and want a brighter and better future. The followers are witnesses to the attacks of Islamic enemies, who give to Islam with their full strength and ammunition.
Geniuses of belief and deed are not judged according to the criteria set by the sacred 9URANs and traditions. Instead, they are examined through the prejudices and norms of Cranish set by their ancestors. In such a situation, the much-anticipated real thing should not sit idle. Rather, Holy 9th instructed him with these words. “And we are trying, too, to tell people who don’t act as much as you can. You are all waiting, and certainly we are all waiting. ” (Holy 9th HUD: 122)
For the enemy, it is an open challenge for the enemy who has been able to make their best efforts. In light of this challenge, can we say that waiting means sitting and being idle and unforgettable? Or, waiting means being always vigilant in all respects and defeating enemies. Of course, believers should never welcome his strength, but the household of Prophet Muhammad (Sawa) states: “A person who wants to be among the Hazrat Kaem (AS) friends (AS) and he must wait, behave respectfully and politely. He achieves his QAEMS (AS). Just like those who have done it, they should always depend on Allah.” For dependence on Allah brings victory over the weak against the stronger enemies.
Imam Sadek (AS), the 6th Imam who cannot fall. ”So, I will work hard, wait for him to arrive, and congratulate you all for your merciless waiting time.” Ghaibat-e-Nomany, Chap.11, Tradition No16
He is always waiting to please his imam (AS). All his efforts are directed at achieving the precious joy of the Imam (AS), and it is clear that the joy of the Imam remains not in its sacrifice, but in the doctrine of Islam.
From the many responsibilities that a truly long-awaited person must reserve for himself, To build his character. Character construction means developing good traits according to Islamic doctrines and purifying himself so that every aspect of his character reflects the teachings of the descendants of the Holy Prophet.
In many cases, Imam Mahdi’s friends and helpers are described in such a top-notch.
Those who believe in the hidden imam, they are the most respectful and their faith is of the highest degree. They establish prayers and spend generously in God’s way. They firmly believe in the Holy Qur’an and other sacred Scriptures, and they are sure of the resurrection of the day. (Qiamat). ” Tafsir-e-nor saqlain, vol.1 .chap.baqara
”They are obedient, sincere, honorable, goodwill and patients. Kamal-u-Dinn, Chap.43, Tradition no 19
”Their hearts are of steel. When they see Iron Mountain, it collapses and diminishes into bits.” iizaam-u-naseb vol. 1 page 67
“They are braveer than lions and sharper than spears.” Behar-u-al-Anwar, Vol. 52, Chap. 27
“They worship at night.” Muntakhab-Al-ASR, Section 9, Chap. 3.
“In an age of abuse, they will retain religious beliefs and will not allow the devil to interfere with their faith.” Kamal-u-al-Din, pp. 51
These excerpts say that in an age of large occult, one of our crucial responsibility is to absorb the teachings of the descendants of the Holy Prophet (Sawa) in our character and personality; It was extracted from a variety of traditions that clarifies our crucial responsibility. Our beloved Imam Mahdi (AS) is far from our eyes.
It has been proven that he can be attracted to good deeds and mercy as much as he has Imam Mahdi as a man. And he cleanses himself from bad habits and evil. Many such cases have changed a lifetime by the young man who felt the love of the book, especially the Imam Mahdi in his heart.
No doubt, love is the kind of elixir that all impossible becomes possible.
Canaan Joseph returns and his face,
A little time was hidden: I didn’t cry anymore.
Oh, Morel won’t cry in the abode of sadness
The roses still spring from the bare floor.
And the heart bowed under the secret pain
Ah, it touches my heart! The joy will come back again.
1446 I wish you a happy 15th Shaban in 1446
Dr. Arghavideld (Clinical Psychologist, Jawan Counseling Centre)