Galibah spoke at a meeting with Sudan’s Foreign Minister Ali Yusuf Ahmed al-Sharif in Tehran on Monday.
He repeatedly supported Iran’s support for Sudan’s stability, united governance and territorial integrity, expressing his hope that these goals will soon be achieved.
However, Garribach warned that the enemy would always hatch “new plots” to disrupt the peace in Sudan, and said “necessary plans” should be made to counter their plans.
“First and foremost, we should know that the Zionist regimes are the enemies of the Islamic countries and nations in this region,” he added.
Sudan has been caught up in a deadly conflict over the past two years. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed and millions were kicked out of their homes.
Gallibah said Iran is eager to strengthen political ties with Sudan, while also pursuing economic and trade ties.
He also said that the friendship group of Iranian-Sudanian parliament, particularly the Iranian-Sudanian parliament, is ready to establish relations with the Sudanian parliament once stability is restored.
Ahmed al-Sharif said Sudan appreciated Iran’s expression of support for his country’s stability and unity.
He added that Sudan is ready to establish effective parliamentary ties with Iran following the formation of the Sudanian parliament.
He further expressed his hope that Iran will contribute to the reconstruction of Sudan.
Iran and Sudan agreed to restore diplomatic relations in the second half of 2023 after a seven-year break.