Tehran – Indonesia continues to see more Iranian tourists visiting Southeast Asian countries, despite challenges such as the absence of direct flights and the high cost of airfares. I aim to attract
According to Adfikri Kevin Marvel, a diplomat of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a total of 9,230 Iranians traveled to Indonesia in 2024, up 28% from the 7,177 visitors recorded in 2023.
Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, the number was around 10,440 a year. “We are optimistic that we are able to surpass pre-pandemic figures and implement strategies to achieve this goal,” Marvel said in an interview with ISNA.
One important initiative is to host familiar tours for Iranian travel agents and tour operators. “Last year, we hosted Iranian travel representatives in Bali and Lombok, where we worked with local tour operators and government officials. These efforts will ensure that hotels and restaurants regulate services to the needs of Iranian travelers. It helps to ensure that.
Direct flights and airfare challenges
When asked about Indonesian tourists visiting Iran, Marvel acknowledged that misconceptions about Iran in Indonesian media had affected public perception. Concerns about the high cost of flights and the lack of direct air connections between the two countries acknowledged that these factors had an impact on tourism. growth. “Despite these challenges, Iranian tourism to Indonesia is increasing. We have noticed that Iranians are familiar with Southeast Asia, but Malaysia is a more famous destination compared to Indonesia. It remains,” he said.
Efforts to establish direct flights between Iran and Indonesia are underway, but political and logistical hurdles are hampering progress. “We have worked hard to solve this problem, but unfortunately, direct flights have not yet been realized. The key obstacles are political and high levels with airlines and travel service providers. “It requires discussion and contract,” he said.
Marvel also cited fuel supply as another important issue in starting direct flights. However, he pointed out that some Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand previously operated direct routes to Iran, with speculation that Malaysia could soon reestablish direct flights. He said there was.
Expand the attractions of Indonesian tourism
Beyond Bali, the most popular Indonesian destination among Iranian travelers, Marvel highlighted the country’s diverse attractions and affordable prices. “Indonesia offers a variety of travel experiences and we believe that when visitors arrive, it is quite reasonable compared to other destinations,” he said.
Travel relations and recognition between Iran and Indonesia
When asked about Indonesian tourists visiting Iran, Marvel acknowledged that misconceptions about Iran in Indonesian media had affected public perceptions. Although there is a lot of misinformation about Iran in the Indonesian media, both embassies are working hard to change the narrative and promote Iran as a destination, he pointed out.
Regarding the historical practices of Indonesian pilgrims traveling through Iran on their way to Saudi Arabia for the Hajj, Marvel acknowledged that such trips have declined in recent years. “Previously many Indonesian pilgrims visited Iran before continuing Saudi Arabia, but this has not happened for a long time, as the main reason is the lack of direct flights between the two countries. It seems,” he explained.