Oxfam said there was a waterborne and infectious disease explosion in Gaza amid a lack of safe water and untreated sewage over the streets of the enclave, according to the Middle Eastern Eye.
A study by the World Health Organization was cited. This was found to be found to be polio contaminated with 88% of environmental samples surveyed across Gaza, indicating an impending risk of occurrence. Infections, including acute watery diarrhea and respiratory infections, are also the main causes of deaths, saying 46,000 cases, mostly children, are reported weekly.
Chicken poop and skin diseases such as chondro and impulses are also spreading rapidly. There is a serious water shortage, especially among displaced people in northern Gaza.
“After 15 months of fear, rebuilding water and sanitation is essential for Gaza to follow the path to normalcy. “After 15 months of fear, rebuilding water and sanitation is essential. Ragouardat, humanitarian coordinator at Oxfam in Gaza, said: Masu.