The BLOC oversees the European Commission, which oversees EU trade policy, oversees the European Commission on whether Chinese companies benefited from priority grants and funding, land, batteries and raw funding. After that, he voted to increase the tariffs to a maximum of 45.3% in October. It was reported by Reuters.
“China is doing its best to drive negotiations with the EU,” he said Yadong. “It is hoped that the EU will pay attention to industry calls and promote bilateral investment cooperation through dialogue and consultation.”
Last year, China began its own probe for importing several EU products.
He said reporters’ anti-dumping investigation into European pork products and a subsidized investigation into the dairy trade of 27 strong blocks is still ongoing.
“We will conduct our investigation in an open and transparent way in accordance with Chinese laws, regulations and regulations, the regulations of the World Trade Organization,” he added.
In December, China’s Ministry of Commerce decided to extend the anti-damping investigation into EU brandy imports by the three months ending April 5th.