Tehran – Iran said that in the coming spring, Iran will play the host of the Islamic Cooperative Organization (OIC) Minister of Science, Research and Technology Hossain Shimaei Saraf.
About two weeks ago, at a meeting with OIC Executive Director-General of Hissein Brahim Taha, Simaei-Sarraf prepared Iran to expand its science and technology cooperation with the OIC, particularly on establishing a science and technology park and exchanging professors and students. It has been announced. To support Iran’s international interaction, the IRNA reported on Sunday.
Rankings of Islamic countries in Iran
According to the Science Web, Iran (including 17,458 documents) is the first to rank among Islamic countries for neural network technology and multi-agent systems (including 351 documents).
The country ranks sixth in neural network technology and 12th in multi-agent systems around the world.
Iran ranks second among Islamic countries in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and robotics.
This report contains data for 20 years from 2004 to 2023.
Iran ranks second among Islamic countries in 606 publications on 3D printing over a decade, according to the report.
The report contains data from 2014 to 2023.
According to the IRNA, the country’s global ranking for 3D printed publications is 22.
According to a report published in January by the Web of Science, 3D printing and additive manufacturing publications in Iran experienced significant growth from 2010 to 2023.
The largest number of publications at the University of Tehran (including 83 documents), Amilkavir Institute of Technology (including 83 documents), Tarviatmodare University (including 40 documents), and Tehran University of Medical Sciences (including 37 documents). Ta.
With 65 documents, Iran is the first to rank in Islamic countries in 4D (4D) printing and ranks 11 worldwide.
Sharing technical expertise with Islamic countries
In May 2023, the Minister of Science and Technology said Iran is ready to share its technical expertise with other Islamic countries.
Science and technology should be applied to create world peace and human justice, and Muslim countries can bring peace and progress not only to Muslim states but to humans with unity and empathy. said Vahid Haddadi-Asl.
He made his remarks at the first ministerial meeting of the Islamic Cooperative Conversation Platform (OIC-15) held in Almaty, Kazakhstan from May 25-26.
“In spite of the cruel sanctions imposed by global rog arrogance on Iran’s Islamic Republic over the past few years, we are in the field of education, research and technology, which is a sign that we rely on Iranian scholars and scientists. We have made great strides. We are always ready to share our technical expertise with other Islamic countries.”