Tehran – Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Aragut writes in a special memo for the IRNA of Iranian press to attend the funeral of the Martian Chief of Hezbollah Lebanon for a trip to Beirut “Think of his path as halting with the death of Hassan Nasrara, who may be the enemy of resistance today. Reality.”
The full text of his notes is as follows:
“‘There are men among the followers who have proven faithful to their pledges to Allah. Have they never changed? Their commitment? At least?” (Surah Al-Ahzab, 23 section)
Today, the Islamic world and all free people hold the pure bodies of Hassan Nasrara and Saeed Hashem Safiedjin in their hands, in an atmosphere of sorrow and dignity.
This parting isn’t merely a send-off of two resistance commanders, but a reaffirmation of the paths, thoughts and ideals that they sacrificed their lives. Lebanon and the Muslim world’s torrents, tear-eyed but determined, viewing these two leaders’ martials not as the end of the road, but as a new point of oppression and ongoing struggle He is a witness to. Occupation. Their bodies may rest, but their school of thought will continue to live and light the path of mental resistance of millions of free people.
Nasrallah: A leader who changed the equation
Says Hassan Nasrara at an age where many Arab and Islamic leaders bowed before external pressure, stood stubbornly with dignity, and transformed the idea of resistance into a regional-level strategic equation. I did. He believed that the legitimacy of any movement was not in weapons or foreign support, but in the support of people and its social roots. Based on this, he transformed Hezbollah from a guerrilla group to an influential actor in the political, social and cultural fields of Lebanon and the Islamic world. His genius was to present civilized and ethical discourses on a regional and international scale, as well as military movements.
Historical Development of Resistance: From Lebanon’s Liberation to the Balance of Power
Lebanon’s development over the last 20 years of the 20th century was a stage that demonstrated the strategic depths of Nasrala. In 2000, when Israeli forces were forced to leave South Lebanon without negotiation, the world realized that the balance of power in the region had shifted in favour of the resistance axis. This was the first time in history that Israel had been forced to retreat from the occupied territory without making concessions. This victory was achieved not by diplomatic means but by aggressive resistance and the immobility of the Lebanese people.
Six years later, in the summer of 2006, Israel imposed a war with Lebanon in favor of global power to change the previous equation. However, Nasrala’s wise leadership not only stood firm in Israel’s heavily armed forces, but also created a new equation for military deterrence in the region. Since then, Israeli attacks have not occurred without calculating large costs.
Palestine Support: Nasrala’s Principle Strategies
In the world of politics, many actors view Palestine simply as a diplomatic card. But for Nasrara, Palestine was not just a slogan, but a belief. He consistently emphasized that the issue of Palestinianism is not merely a territorial dispute, but rather a human, ethical and historical issue deeply connected to the honor of the Islamic Umma. Under Nasrala’s leadership, Hezbollah became one of the main pillars of support for Palestinians and resistance to the profession.
Using Hezbollah’s capabilities, Nasrallah not only supported Palestinians militarily, but also supported them in the diplomatic and media fields, allowing them to globally segregate the Israeli regime. He protected Palestinian resistance not only against the treachery of occupyers but also certain regional factions, ensuring that the Palestinian cause would continue to live.
The role of Nasrara in Operation Al-Aqsa Storm
Shortly after the Al-Aqsa storm operation in support of the oppressed Palestinian people, Hezbollah’s involvement in the fight against the Israeli regime marks another golden chapter in the history of Lebanon’s resistance. This action was not a short-term responsive measure, but part of a long-term strategy aimed at analyzing Israel’s attack capabilities and preventing the continued genocide in Gaza. Nasrala’s visionary decisions demonstrated that resistance is not a momentary concept, but a historical movement that is always guided by the pursuit of justice.
Hezbollah: An invincible movement that grew out of Lebanese society
One of the notable features of Hezbollah is one of the features of Hezbollah that distinguishes him from many other military and political groups in the region. Hezbollah is more than just a military force or political organization. It is a movement deeply rooted in Lebanese society. This popular nature is key to its survival and success.
Whenever the enemy of resistance attempts to weaken movement through assassination of its leader or external pressure, the foundations of the Hezbollah people have rebuilt itself and continue its path more than before. This truth proves that the movement to derive their legitimacy from people will never be eradicated by the enemy’s suppression tools.
Nasrara’s legacy and future of resistance
Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah cannot be described simply as a military commander or politician. He was a strategic thinker who was able to present a new model of resistance. Resistance evolved from military tactics to an inclusive intellectual, social and political system. Nasrara’s legacy is beyond the battlefield in his deep vision for a future of resistance and local independence.
Today, the enemy of resistance may think that the loss of Said Hassan Nasrara has stopped his path. But as always, they miscalculate to understand reality. Men like Nasrara live in heritage rather than in their own body. This path is depicted in the blood of a martian, and its continuity is secured by the decision of a freedom-loving nation. The future belongs to countries that prefer dignity, resistance to obedience and hope for despair rather than humiliation. ”