Speaking about the bystanders of Traseka’s 17th Government Commission, International Director of Amin Tarfa, Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, Iran has given the opportunity to develop by accepting Traseka’s one-year presidency. He said he got it. Transport and strengthen regional transportation infrastructure.
Iran witnessed the organisation of the 17th Traseca Summit, consisting of 14 members from Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Turkey, Iran and Central Asia, with member states of the Traseca Corridor connected to Europe and vice versa. He added that the same is true. network.
He added that the presence of Traseka members in Iran is an opportunity to create new developments and initiatives together.
Transport Corridor Europe and Kaukasus – Asia (TRACECA) is an international transport programme that includes the European Union and 12 member states of the Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia region. The programme aims to strengthen economic ties, trade and transportation in the Black Sea Basin, the South Caucasus and regions of the Central Asia.