The report stated that Iran’s GDP, including oil, reached a 75.291 quadrion rial in the first nine months of 1403, compared to the 73.027 quadrion rial in the same period last year. Excluding oil, GDP stood at a quadrioretical of 57.330, up from the quadrioreal 56.106 in the same period last year.
The data also revealed sector growth rates over the nine months. The agricultural sector increased by 3.3%, while the industrial and mining sectors increased by 3.6%. Within the industrial and mining sector, crude oil and natural gas extraction showed the highest growth at 6.1%, followed by 5.7% natural gas distribution, 2.5% water and electricity supply, and other mining activities at 0.9%. The industrial sector rose 1.4%, but construction showed no growth. The Services sector increased 2.3% compared to the same period in 1402.
The Iranian Statistics Centre calculates quarterly GDP based on 18 key sectors consisting of 50 activities classified under the ISIC Rev.4 framework.
The agriculture sector includes agriculture, horticulture, livestock, forestry and fisheries. The Industrial and Mining sector covers crude oil and gas extraction, other mining activities, manufacturing, water and electricity supply, natural gas distribution and construction.
The Services sector includes wholesale and retail, hospitality, transportation, warehouse, postal services, information and communications, financial and insurance activities, real estate, business services, veterinary services, government, urban services, education, health, social work, and other public and personal services.