Foreign Ministry spokesman Esma’eel Baghaei, while referring to Iran’s efforts to hold a meeting of Islamic state organisations, said that the plan to force the relocation of Gaza people from occupied Palestine is a continuation of the genocide in another way.
Speaking in a television interview about the needs, details and agenda of the conference of Islamic State Organizations, Baghey, the purpose of the request to hold a meeting of foreign ministers of Islamic cooperation organizations, is to attract the attention of Islamic cooperation organizations, as the most important organisations in the Islamic world, the major nations of major nations, being the main issues, being the main beings that exist, and continuing to do things that are not, will be present in major nations. Especially the Palestinians of Gaza.
“Another agenda is to investigate dangerous events taking place in the West Bank. The most important existential philosophy of Islamic cooperation organizations was to address Palestinian causes, from the start of the Palestinian cause, that is, the organisation of Islamic cooperation.
Baghaei noted that it is natural for the organization to hold meetings in the current situation where Palestinians are facing an unprecedented crisis, saying that the crisis that often faced resistance during the 17 months of the “Zionist regime massacre” is now taking place in a different way using political tools.
“Today’s plan based on the forced relocation of Gaza people from occupied Palestine is another way of continuing genocide, i.e., using political tools, the Islamic Republic of Iran proposed as an effective member of the organisation of Islamic cooperation. At the head and foreign minister level, it was held primarily at the request of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” the spokesman said.