Mariam Rajabi, the mastermind of the Tehran-Mujahideen-Kalk (MEK) terrorist organization, enjoys a luxurious, luxurious lifestyle far from the humble presence of her followers.
The satirical newspaper details that 11 aides, including Rajabi and bodyguards and attendants, spent nearly 29,000 euros in cash in cash during the Christmas and New Year holidays at the prestigious spa in Vichy, France. The group booked and exclusively used the entire spa in a five-star hotel built by Napoleon III, allowing them to indulge in hydrotherapy, massage and personal coaching.
Le Canard Enchaîné, known as the “Sun of Revolution” within MEK, Rajavi has been on similar luxury trips to luxury resorts over the years, earning more than 130,000 euros in the past year alone. MEK claims it exists from donations.
This luxury is in stark contrast to the state of most MEK members living in Ashraf 3 camp in Albania. Sources say these members live under strict conditions, are not permitted to leave the camp, leading the strict lives serving the organization.
A former member of 38 years recently revealed to the Tehran Times that members must follow a strict schedule and are usually sleep-deprived. Elderly members of MEK are tackling a variety of health issues following years of challenging living conditions.
Masoud Rajavi Dead Since 2003
Masoud Rajavi, who took on MEK’s leadership in 1979, has not been published since 2003. However, Mek continues to release statutes and statements allegedly issued by Masoud, perpetuating the illusion that infamous terrorists are still alive. In its release, Le Canard Enchine confirms that Masudo has actually been dead since 2003.
Sources have told them that the majority of MEK members believe Masoud is still alive, but they believe he is hidden.
MEK terrorist organizations have massacred more than 23,000 Iranians in the past 40 and a half years. The Western Province has provided shelter and political support to the groups.