The festival’s secretary emphasized the need to overcome sanctions and develop local infrastructure to maximize the benefits of this technology.
Dr. Muhammad Ali Shohaei Fad, assistant secretary of the International Resistance Film Festival, answered the question, “Artificial intelligence in the service of resistance films: Opportunities or challenges?” By stating that artificial intelligence could be a great opportunity for film-like works centered around resistance.
For the first time this year, Shojaei Fard noted that a section specialising in artificial intelligence was specifically included at the International Resistance Film Festival. He said the Resistance Festival is always a platform for displaying different types of filmmaking, including documentaries, short films and feature films focusing on resistance themes.
Additionally, assistant secretaries pointed to the role of the technology in the future of resistance cinematic production, saying that the process of using artificial intelligence in resistance media production began several years ago and has reached a wider stage than it is now. He predicted that he would soon witness the production of a feature film with the help of this technology.
In conclusion, he highlighted the need to support the technology’s infrastructure, adding that two important steps are needed to overcome the challenges. The first is the development of technology infrastructure by staff and governing bodies, and secondly, the active efforts of field experts to localize technology and reduce reliance on foreign tools. In this way, artificial intelligence can be used as a strategic tool in the soft warfare realm.