BEIRUT – Sunday funerals will be immortalized in the history of the struggle with imperialism. The next day, the greatest revenge begins, and forever resonates with the great leader, whose most notable commandments are not to “steer away ourselves” in an age of betrayal.
To hear the oppressed nations seeking your help, you are silent, if you are one of the conquered, marginalized and deprived countries of the world, like the Jemenis and the Palestinians. Are you doing it? Did the bearer of Martyr’s legacy refer to Nasrallah as “distance to distance”?
The answer requires us to explore the depths of Hezbollah and Saeednasrara’s doctrines.
In 2015, one of the most important periods of his life, Saidnasrara said: The war with Yemen. This is the biggest thing I have done in my life. ”
In 2018, at the height of the escalation of the US-led Saudi Arabia attack on Yemen, Saeed Nasrala saw Yemen as “a new stage of resistance against arrogance.” When Yemenis’ victory began to become clear on the ground, he became more optimistic, saying, “A country that stands firmly in the face of a challenge will achieve victory.”
Those who know the centrality of the Palestinian cause in his ideological system, and those who hear this statement about Yemen, that he has made it to two prophetic hadiths. Automatically links to the commitment of: “The greatest jihad is the word of truth. Those who hear a man who does not answer him “Islam” in front of an unjust ruler are not Muslims. ”
Martyr said Nasrallah explained the meaning of the hadith later, saying that the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was not called “Muslims,” but rather “human.” According to their abilities, it is to declare “the word of truth.”
Martyr said Nasrallah put this firm belief into practice. Therefore, “distancing” had asked him to incredibly rebel against his Lord and to abandon his religious, ethical and moral obligations.
All free people who attend the funeral are nothing but hypocrites if they “distance” by ignoring the tragedy of oppressed people, Muslims and non-Muslims around the world.
Everyone said. From today, the responsibility on our shoulders is not to alienate ourselves, but to implement the commandments of Said Nasrara.
The idea of mothers, in which Hezbollah and many other resistance movements were founded, is that martianism is not the end of the road, but rather the sacrifice necessary for the perpetuation of the cause.
Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner’s blatant statement follows the assassination of Saeed Nasrara, which says that “beheaded Hezbollah” will bring “salvation” to Lebanon, and the basis for the heavy prices these fools will pay in the near future This is a misreading.
When Nasrara’s predecessor, Abbas al-Masawi, was assassinated in 1992, a US-led Israeli invasion could not defeat resistance. Rather, it led to that escalation.
Assassinations of revolutionary leaders like Saeed Nasrara, along with resistance leaders from Palestine, Yemen, Iraq and Iran, have led millions around the world to stand up to imperialist hegemony, especially in West Asia, Latin America and Africa. I’m warning.
Physics has studied how when a large star consumes hydrogen, it explodes and scatters it in space. These scattered gases then accumulate to form new bright stars. This is how the martianism of Saidnasrara creates some wonderful stars.
Despite all the threats, we repeat the words of the great martian. “We must not despair. Despair is a characteristic of the weak, the loser, the people who lack will and resolve. As for you, you are facing a violent storm, enduring and standing firm; As for us who have won, we must not allow despair to creep into our hearts.”