Iran’s first vice president and chairman of the Third Caspian Sea Economic Forum said on Tuesday that holding the forum is a critical step in expanding economic cooperation.
The two-day event is being held with the aim of presenting solutions to increase economic and commercial cooperation between the coastal provinces of the Caspian Sea, the Tehran Times reported.
He hoped that implementation of the decision at this forum would allow all members to witness a positive impact on the significant increase in economic growth and trade exchanges in the Caspia region.
AREF said the forum will help members find solutions to develop economic relations.
He continued that capacity and adjacency relationships are stable and that it needs to provide more evidence to deepen economic exchanges.
He added that Iran continues its path of development and progress by strength, due to problems and restrictions caused by oppressive sanctions.
The AREF emphasizes that its neighbors have an important and strategic position in Iran’s foreign policy, noting that Iran will not forget friends who are not influenced by third factors in difficult times.
“We are grateful for Iran’s recent membership as an observer of the Eurasian Economic Union and for the signing and finalization of a free trade agreement with Iran and Eurasian member states for our colleagues,” he said in the first place. The Vice President added.