Tehran- Since its launch in 2013, The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has encountered many challenges and developments. Nevertheless, this initiative continues to be one of the most important strategies of the People’s Republic of China.
In the next section, we will briefly explain how China established the BRI despite all the transformations it experienced.
Green Silk Road
One of the most important criticisms from the beginning of the BRI was the inadequate attention given to the environmental standards of the project. Furthermore, the Paris Agreement forced China to adopt a more responsible approach to climate change. Furthermore, the surge in fossil fuel prices, driven by increased demand after reopening after the Covid-19 pandemic, coupled with the increased geopolitical risks caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, has resulted in increased energy efficiency and energy portfolio has increased the need to diversify. It focuses on renewable energy sources. Meanwhile, many BRI countries face major challenges in sustainable development, creating a substantial market for Chinese goods and services related to the green economy. These factors have led to Chinese policymakers prioritizing green and sustainable BRIs, leading to the Green Silk Road (GSR).
Health Silk Road
Health Silk Road (HSR) dates back to 2015, but the Covid-19 pandemic has significantly increased its importance within the BRI for several reasons. On the one hand, Covid-19 restrictions such as lockdowns and travel bans have led to the halt, slowdown or permanent halt of various BRI infrastructure projects in a variety of ways. For example, these restrictions disrupt the global supply chain and increased the costs of such projects. Furthermore, the financial burden imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic has forced many BRI countries to reevaluate their budgets and prioritize healthcare costs. Meanwhile, the Covid-19 pandemic has presented China with opportunities for medical innovation, drug and medical exports, vaccine diplomacy, cooperation among overseas medical professionals, and construction of medical facilities. Furthermore, in response to criticism regarding the management of the Covid-19 outbreak, China has sought to place itself as a responsible member of the international community. Despite the end of the pandemic, HSR has emerged as a framework for broad cooperation and exchange between BRI countries in the healthcare sector.
Digital Silk Road
Like HSR, the history of the Digital Silk Road (DSR) dates back to 2015. However, with various developmental states and China and global geopolitical developments in recent years, including the Covid-19 pandemic, rapid growth in the digital economy, and increasing technology-related tensions between United, DSR has been the result of China’s policy It’s becoming more and more important to planners. Like the aforementioned initiative, China has transformed many threats into opportunities and has exploited opportunities as well. For example, Covid-19 restrictions have hindered progress on BRI infrastructure projects, but China has been leveraging the surge in demand for digital services and products domestically and internationally to develop its digital economy during the pandemic. Masu. Furthermore, China has transformed the US technology-based threat into a catalyst to strengthen its technological independence from the US and other global technology leaders. The DSR aims to improve digital connectivity, and includes a wide range of sectors, including digital infrastructure (4G/5G wireless communication, broadband, sub-cable, satellite systems, cloud computing, surveillance systems, smart cities, etc.). It is worth mentioning that it is included. Cross-border e-commerce.
Polar Silk Road
Polar Silk Road (PSR) refers to the Arctic shipping route that connects North America, East Asia and Western Europe through the Arctic Circle. Historically, the presence of a large amount of sea ice caused it to be transported through the Arctic Circle. However, the melting of sea ice due to global warming has made shipping opportunities more open in the region. This development could provide shorter, cheaper and more cost-effective shipping routes compared to existing or alternative routes between major markets. Another goal of the PSR is to promote the exploitation of Arctic minerals, fossil fuels and other non-biological resources. The Russo-Ukrainian war began in 2014, but following the annexation of Russia’s Crimea and the imposition of sanctions on Russia, the Chinese-Mongolia-Russian Economic Corridor and the new Eu-Russian Land Bridge Economic Corridor, Russia China With increased economic dependence, the latter provided a greater latitude to expand activity in the Arctic. Furthermore, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and the resulting escalation of sanctions against Russia have exacerbated the effect of this double.
A new evolution?
BRI increases the use of China’s excessive installation capabilities, expands the market for Chinese products, promotes access to Chinese raw materials, enhances China’s technological capabilities, thereby expanding global impact while economies We aim to revive the The main purpose of the BRI was to establish the economic belt of the land Silk Road and the maritime-based 21st century maritime Silk Road. However, DSR, GSR and HSR are increasingly becoming important within BRIs, addressing a variety of challenges and taking advantage of emerging threats and opportunities. Geopolitical developments, including the withdrawal of the US from Afghanistan, the collapse of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, and the reestablishment of the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan under the Taliban rule of this country, along with russosossos, the first BRI It has brought a major challenge to In this context, the aforementioned minor initiatives not only maintained the major initiatives (i.e. BRI), but also transformed them into something completely different from their original form. With the US domination of the Panama Canal, whether the newly announced new geopolitical developments, such as the recently announced plans for Annex Canada and Greenland to this country, will lead to new evolutions in BRI. Not yet known.
“The opinions presented in the article belong to the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Tehran Times.”