“The professional roundtable on the rights of international migrants and war refugees, as well as the responsibility to governments around the world and the responsibility of other parties will be announced on March 13, 2025 (ESFAND) 23, 1403) was held at the headquarters of the Global Immigration Policy Association (GMPA) in Geneva. The event was organized by the Institute for Protecting Women’s Rights in collaboration with the GMPA, bringing together experts and activists in the field of human rights and immigration law. Prominent speakers of the Round Table include Dr. Mogadami (President of the Institute for Women’s Rights Protection), Dr. Karimi (From the International Association of Surveillance of the International Association of Justice), Dr. Rahmani (International Association of Falda Development Activists), Mostafabetali (President of Palaschinducci NGO), Dr. International Art, Dr. Patarikka, Oalana Aeberhard-Hodges, Dr. EmelZerrouk, and Siddeeqa of GMPA. Iram. The discussion focused on the legal and humanitarian challenges faced by migrants and war-affected refugees, the role of governments in supporting these groups, and the responsibility of other international stakeholders to address these issues.
At the beginning of the conference, participants were welcomed by Dr. Patrick Tallan, CEO of Global Immigration Policy Associates (GMPA), who has over 50 years of professional experience in the field of immigration rights at the International Labour Organization (ILO). As a host of the Round Table, he expressed his gratitude to the presence of representatives and academic experts of Iranian NGOs. He then provided an overview of global transition trends, highlighting key challenges, issues and government approaches to address them. Following Dr. Taran’s remarks, Dr. Jane Aberhard Hodges gave a speech on gender, migration and refugees. A critical review of issues, challenges, government and civil society responsibility. Next, Mostafa Betaree, the representative of a Palestinian NGO based in the Netherlands, discussed the challenges facing immigrants, including integration, discrimination and legal barriers. He also presented a critical perspective on what he called the dictatorship of capitalism. Subsequently, Dr. Nirufal Mogadami Komami, representing the Institute for Protecting Women’s Rights, addressed the rights of refugees to family integration in theory and practice, as well as Iran’s outcomes and approach. She highlighted the important contribution of Iran’s Islamic Republic in providing services to refugees, while acknowledging the national challenge of securing immigration rights.
Dr. Emel Zeluk, a professor at the University of Geneva, gave a speech on water, sanitation, hygiene, and health factors when dealing with the migrant and refugee population. She discussed the challenges faced by refugees and migrants in accessing health care and hygiene services. Dr. Ramani, who represents the International Association of Falda Development Activists, addresses the devastating effects of international sanctions on the lives of Iranian migrants and refugees. She looked into how sanctions affected the daily lives and well-being of Iranian refugees and migrants. Dr. Olga Kadysheva published the findings from a UNESCO research project published in 2016 under the title “Cities that welcome refugees and immigrants: Strengthening effective urban governance in the age of immigration.” Following her presentation, Dr. Karimi, a professor at the International Judicial Association Watch Association and the University of Tehran, spoke about Islamophobia in Europe and the United States, highlighting important concerns about discrimination against Muslim immigrants.
Dr. Patrick Taran thanked Iranian representatives for their effective and powerful presentations at the conference and expressing their hopes for continued cooperation in the future, but the presentations of all speakers, the situation of immigrants and refugees, existing obstacles, certain politics, economy, exigent excension, in this connection, the Islamic Republic of Iran is one of the countries that, despite these difficulties, have provided effective and valuable services to the migrant and refugee population, whose shortcomings should be considered in relation to the immigration and refugee population. What is certain is that in governance of the issue of immigration and refugee should invest in the capabilities and capabilities of NGOs beyond relying on government, which can serve as a bridge between government, immigration and refugees, and can defend the human rights of human rights of political or non-governmental immigration and difficulties.