South Lebanon – Trump’s provocative phrase “It was a great manipulation,” not surprising after Vivi Netanyahu gave him a golden pager. This is the best western wild bar! It reminds us of those who gasped to appease Satan in the West and were fooled by Western “civilized” values.
If the Lebanese resistance movement did the same for Zionists and Westerners, is that a “great operation” too? !
For a long time, the colonial western has justified the use of possible tools to ethnically cleanse civilians and cause permanent disorders and chronic illnesses.
More than 20 years ago, criminal Netanyahu urged us to exclude Islamic values and replace them with Western values more than 20 years ago.
The enemy knows that even if they kill us, it cannot eliminate the idea of resistance because it is rooted in our culture. We know well that the solution is not to be foolish, but to stir up loyalty to Muslim Islamic identity.
This hypothesis is also stipulated in the Holy Qur’an.
The enemy does not explicitly call us to abandon the hijab and religious rituals, but rather works to spread all the means of diverting us from the essence of Islam.
They know that religion is synonymous with politics, and every time we adhere to our religion, this means that we will not accept the injustice, occupation, or exaggeration of our holiness. It means.
Therefore, the easiest way to do this is to promote a culture of obsceneness, consumption and individualism, to force women to abandon chastity and promote other liberal values.
This is the same goal as the UN 2030 Plan, the regularization agreement, and the manufactured “Abraham” religion.
Was the prophet Abraham’s movement not a resistance uprising?
Didn’t he refuse to submit to someone other than one God?
Did he not resist defending his beliefs?
Our people in West Asia have been coexisting for a long time. Until imperialism was implemented, the values of love, brotherhood and compassion prevailed among them: “division and conquest.”
Before the Almighty God ordered him to emigrate to Medina, 13 years of perseverance and patience and solidity in principle were spent by the Prophet Mohammad (Pbuh) and his followers of Mecca.
The Medina then included a diverse community of Muslims (ansals from AWS and Kazraj people) and a diverse community of Jews. So he called on them to sign “The Medina Charter.” But what happened? Did they adhere to it? !
Before him they fought the prophet Zechariah, until they cut him off with a saw.
Along with his cousin, the Prophet Jesus, the Prophet Yahyah rebelled against Herod, the head of the Palestinian Byzantine occupation at the time.
When his prostitute got an old hug, he wanted to marry her daughter. The prophet Yahya condemned it and explained to the people that Herod’s relationship was illegal. Once she found out, she got mad and asked Herod to bring her a dowry to become the massacre of the prophet Yahya.
Just as Imam Hussein (AS)’s head was brought to Tyrant Yazid, his head was brought into the golden basin and gloved Sayedah Zainab (AS).
Morality is what this Shaden Fluid led to. Retreat and get coronavirus? Or immovable? The best evidence of that is that we have been experiencing the recent victory of Imam Khomeni’s revolution and its immobilised victory after more than 40 years of all sorts of hostility, injustice and more.
In future phases, soft wars will be revived in the most gli-filled and most frightening ways, particularly in school curricula such as “freedom”.
The enemy practices intellectual terrorism and brainwashing through the media – traditional and alternatives. They pass colonial values in cartoons, social series, and talk shows.
They didn’t move their fingers to protect Gaza and Lebanese women exposed to systematic terrorism, but they woke up from deep sleep and were rioted, murdered and elected to exaggerate remote incidents. We incite the government to overthrow!
In light of this blatant glory and Shadenflude, we are nothing more than thorns in the minds of our enemies, not the minds of the victims of the massacre of hundreds of pager bells.
Our children, who are betting on corruption, have already lived through war in all details. They plan to automatically study revenge on someone who majors in technology and erases their eyes and fingers.
Now we are drawing out the future with our own hands, betrayal and honorable victory, or loyalty and freedom.
Gloter, to Bloodsoccer, we say that our beloved injured shoes are more honorable than all of you as our best martial artist, Said Hassan Nasrara once urged us, ” Martialist qassem Soleimani’s shoes are the same as Trump’s head. The legitimate retaliation is to expel Americans from the region (West Asia).”
Watch Netanyahu rub salt on wounds giving cards a golden pager