The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Governor’s Committee (BOG) has launched regular meetings in Vienna, Austria.
The meeting will continue until Friday. IAEA Director Rafael Mariano Grossi’s report on Iran’s nuclear program will be presented.
Representatives of the BOG’s 35 member states will discuss a variety of issues, including nuclear safety, implementation of protection agreements, research and scientific activities.
A key item on the agenda is a review of Grossi’s report on the oversight and verification of Iran’s nuclear activity within the framework of the Protection Agreement and the 2015 Iran Nuclear Agreement.
At previous meetings, the BOG approved resolutions proposed by the UK, Germany, France and the US on Iran’s peaceful nuclear program. The resolution called on Tehran to take immediate and necessary measures to address the open issues relating to the protection agreement, without reference to cooperation between Iran and the IAEA.
The resolution also urged the Islamic Republic to provide the United Nations Nuclear Watch Agency with the data and documents necessary to access sites and materials identified by the organization’s inspectors. Iran explains the resolution to be non-constructive and politicized, noting that the IAEA examined the country’s nuclear industry.
Nevertheless, IAEA inspectors have visited Iran’s nuclear facilities over and over again, finding no evidence suggesting a diversion from Iran’s peaceful programme. Tehran emphasizes cooperation with the organization in accordance with the safeguard agreement and believes that the remaining issues can be resolved through a technical and non-political approach.