TEHRAN – Eugène Ionesco’s absurdist play “Jack, or Obedience” will be performed at the Iranian Artists Forum (IAF) in Tehran starting January 21.
Translated and directed by Bahman Motamedian, the play’s cast includes Ali Farzan, Mahshid Kazemi, Sahand Rahinbakhsh, Amireza Hasanpour, Aref Mousavi and Mahrouk Rezaei, IRNA said. Reported.
This play is the first of two plays about Jack and his family (the second being “The Future Is in the Egg”), all named after Jack (father Jack, Mother Jack, etc.)
It delves into the familiar absurdities of life and deals with a disgruntled young man who disappoints his family by refusing to marry the woman of his choice. Provides ample opportunity for imaginative staging.
The main thrust of the story concerns Jack’s arranged marriage to Roberta, and Roberta II if the first Roberta is not satisfied. The play contains a litany of nonsensical exchanges and clichés, akin to “The Bald Soprano,” as well as the kind of surreal conceits common to many of Ionesco’s later plays (for example, Roberta’s multiple noses). ) is included.
Eugène Ionesco (1909-1994) was a Romanian-French playwright who wrote primarily in French and was one of the leading figures in French avant-garde theater in the 20th century. Ionesco revolutionized theatrical ideas and techniques, starting with his “anti-theatre” The Bald Soprano. This contributed to the beginning of what is known as the Theater of the Absurd. Explore the ideas of philosopher Albert Camus, the concepts of absurdity and surrealism. He became a member of the Académie Française in 1970 and won the Austrian National Prize for European Literature in 1970 and the Jerusalem Prize in 1973.
“Jack, Or The Submission” will be performed every night until February 14th at IAF, Artist Park, North Mousavi Street, Tarekani Street.