Tehran – Brigadier General Hossein Zolfakari, Executive Director of Iran’s Drug Management Headquarters (DCHQ), is taking part in the 68th session of the United Nations Narcotics Commission (CND) on Narcotics and Drugs, which will be held in Vienna, Austria, March 10th to 14th.
The CND is the central policy-making body within the United Nations system to address all drug-related issues. It examines the global drug situation, promotes international drug management mechanisms, and identifies the satisfaction level of international organizations in the field of drug management.
It reviews the global drug situation, takes a balanced approach to the interrelated issues of illicit drug demand, supply and human trafficking, monitors the implementation of international practices on drugs, psychotropic substances and chemicals, provides recommendations to enhance international drug management activities, provides recommendations to promote scientific research and exchange information, and supports the performance of the CND Economic and Social Council. Policy governing the United Nations Office on UN Drugs and Crime (UNODC) activities and its financial resources.
Zolfaqari will give speeches in high-level segments and hold bilateral and multilateral meetings with Drug Committee officials, executive director of UNODC, president of the International Drug Management Board (INCB).
Additionally, with the support and participation of UNODC, it is planned to share the national experience of harm reduction, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and reunification of the recovered population with society, and notify participants, experts and experts of measures taken in this regard.
UNODC is ready to continue to work closely with Iran
Alexander Federov, president of the United Nations Bureau on Drug Crime and Crime in Iran (UNODC), said UNODC remains fully prepared to continue to cooperate closely with the country.
“Iran’s Islamic Republic is an important and constructive partner in its involvement with UNODC,” the UN website quotes Federov as saying.
Officials made the remarks at a meeting in Tehran with Zolfakari on February 17th.
Fedulov described the continued cooperation and joint initiative between UNODC and the Drug Management Headquarters as highly positive and commendable. He affirmed UNODC’s commitment to expanding collaboration and securing additional financial resources to support Iran’s programmes. He further highlighted Iran’s important role in regional and international efforts to combat drug trafficking.
On his part, Zolfakari highlighted the serious and irreparable human losses and enormous financial damages that the Islamic Republic of Iran has endured the humanitarian battle against the global drug problem.