Tehran – Ayatollah, the leader of the Islamic Revolution, praises Ali Khamenei for Seyedal Ali Khamenei, praises Iran’s military and defense sector for achieving high levels of preparation for traditional threats, and the media and entertainment industry urged people to strive to ensure and prepare at a similar level. Each field.
At a meeting on Monday with thousands of East Azerbaijani citizens in Tehran, the leader described Iran’s hard warfare defense capabilities as extremely high, saying, “Both our allies and our enemies are aware of this fact, and , the (Iranian) state feels safe on this issue. Therefore, our current problem is not the military threat of the enemy, but rather the threat posed by soft warfare.
Ayatollah Khamenei defined the “threat of soft wars” as manipulation of public opinion, incitement of division, and cultivation of doubt regarding the “basics of the Islamic Revolution and the importance of the remaining remaining to the enemy.” He believes that the best way for the enemy to defeat Iran is through soft wars, but “these efforts have not been successful so far, and despite the temptation, they have been able to lay the Iranian country and the youth. “We have failed to stop our resolve and progress.”
Leaders have specifically characterized this year’s massive national gathering as evidence that the threat of a soft war is failing, marking the 46th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution. “Even 46 years after the revolution’s victory, extraordinary and spectacular voter turnout is unparalleled worldwide. People say that their challenges and legitimate expectations do not prevent them from participating in supporting the revolution. I showed it,” he declared.
He highlights the greater importance of soft warfare defense against hard warfare defense in current environments, explaining: (Military) Solutions. ”
Ayatollah Khamenei encouraged young people to strengthen their defense of soft wars by learning about the principles, characteristics, and the teachings of the late Imam Khomeini (RA). “Our revolution is at its core: the battle between “light against darkness” and “truth against falsehood.” We are trying to lift the Iranian people, improve their future and showcase their national identity,” he pointed out.
During the address, the leader also highlighted the progress made towards the goal of the revolution. “Revolution is, and more, an important source of inspiration for independent powers, regional states. Global powers, colonists, and those who committed atrocities while pretending to be false, It comes from the proven resilience, immobility and capabilities of the Islamic Republic. To stand strong against them.”
Ayatollah Khamenei has rebutted Western claims that Iran had caused its enemy. He said, “The hostility from tyrannical American policymakers is not due to the slogan “death to America,” but because Iran, through the determination and sacrifice of the people, was freed from colonial oppression and resisted imposement. That’s it.”
He characterized the US rhetoric and territorial demands as manifestations of the “abhorrent, violence, plunder, and dominant nature” of imperialists and Zionism. Ayatollah Khamenei added: “They cannot tolerate the fact that by standing on their feet and protesting against oppression and attack, they established a government that grew stronger than they could each day in 46 years.”
“Azerbaijan is Iran’s hub against foreign attacks.”
Elsewhere in his remarks, the leaders called Azerbaijan and Tabriz Iranian bases against foreign invasions. “Through their patience, immobility and faith, the Tabriz people were forced to escape their enemies many times,” he said.
Ayatollah Khamenei identified the “Islamic faith” and “religious enthusiasm” of the Tabriz people as two main factors behind the February 18th, 1978 uprising.
The leader emphasized that the importance of this uprising extends beyond the mere fact that the Pahlavi regime forced the deployment of tanks on the streets. He argued that its true greatness was placed in its role as a model for the nation as a whole, urging individuals from various cities to participate in the struggle.
He praised the faith and spirit of today’s youth in the Tabliz as a continuation of his legacy since the 1978 uprising.