Ali Shamhani, a political advisor to the Islamic Revolution Revolution, visits Iranian atomic Energy Organizations, saying that Tehran -Iran promises legal rights on peaceful nuclear plan. On Tuesday, he stated that he would protect Ali Hamee, who said Ali Hamei.
Once Siamhani, the secretary of the Iranian National Security Council, Shamhani has toured the latest results and progress in the AEOI nuclear industry. His remarks come in the past few weeks. Western media proposes our strikes on Iranian nuclear sites.
“There is nothing we don’t do to protect our rights for a peaceful nuclear plan,” said Samkani on the AEOI website.
Shamkhani’s comments matched the previous company statement from other high -level Iranian officials. Camal Harraj, the leader of Iran and the head of the national Foreign Policy Council, warns Iran in an interview last year that if the nucleus was harmful, Iran would reconsider the doctrine.
“(Iran) doesn’t intend to produce a nuclear bomb, but if the existence is threatened, we will have to change nuclear doctrine,” he told Financial Times in May. Ta.
Ayatra Hameei is banned from developing a large amount of destruction weapons, including nuclear weapons, by issuing Fatowa (religious orders) in the early days of the leader. He repeated this posture many years later.
In his remarks on Tuesday, Shamhani repeated Iran’s attitude toward the development of nuclear weapons. “Iran has never sought nuclear weapons, and he doesn’t do so,” but Iran has decided to defend that right “in political and technical aspects”. Added.
Former security chief emphasized that nuclear technology is essential for Iran’s future. “Nuclear technology not only creates important value in the country in the production of clean and renewable energy, but also has a very decisive and influential in agriculture, such as medicine, pharmaceuticals, water resources, and environmental protection. “
Israel is the main supporter of Iranian nuclear facilities and has a history of assassinating Iranian nuclear spectators in the past 30 years and trying to interfere. We worked on lobbying in Washington and attacked Iranian nuclear sites. Analysts on the west side suspect the US abilities to destroy Iranian underground facilities, but such actions are dangerous and have a significant impact on Iran, the United States, and western Asia. We are warning.
In the process of military training last month, the Iranian army practiced defeating Bunker Buster beyond nuclear facilities in countries scattered throughout the territory.
The international community is currently revoking the damage caused by US President Donald Trump to Iran’s nuclear trading in 2018, and whether to join JCPOA again. Supporters in the agreement pointed out the claims of Iran’s negotiator Mohammad Javad Zarif. That doctrine.
The observer also pointed out the “maximum pressure campaign” that Trump failed. The resurrected and strengthened campaign was harmful to the economy, but did not reach the main purpose of dismantling the nuclear plan of the country. Iran began a new unprecedented nuclear progress in 2020, under the monitoring of the International Atomic Energy Organization (IAEA), after the remaining signature of the contract failed to deprive the United States sanctions.
A Tuesday western report stated that Trump is now ready to update his anti -Iraniic pressure campaign.