Speaking on national television when the Persian New Year changed, Araguc said times hadn’t changed as far as Iran’s concerns are concerned about President Donald Trump’s policies.
“The circumstances brought about by the new US president are nothing new to us. We have experienced this ‘maximum pressure’ in our inauguration.
“With God’s grace and the blessing of Leilat al-Qadr (Night of Power), we will overcome the complexities of American politics and navigate those complexities to ensure Iran’s interests and national security,” he said.
US President Donald Trump wrote to Iran on March 12th via emissions from the United Arab Emirates (UAE). A few days ago, Trump revealed that he had written a letter to the leader of the Islamic Revolution to Ali Khamenei.
Ayatollah Khamenei has repeatedly said that Iran will not negotiate with the United States as Tehran does not trust Washington to comply with its contractual obligations. The leader mentions Iran’s experience negotiating and signing contracts with the US and other governments in the 2010s.