Tehran – In a speech marking the international day against Islamophobia, Amir Said Irabani, the ambassador and permanent representatives of Iran’s Islamophobia have criticized the UN for perpetuating Islamophobia in order to justify its actions and policies. He sought global unity in combating religious discrimination and intolerance.
Irabani emphasized the adoption of General Assembly Resolution 76/254 as a pivotal step in addressing Islamophobia, highlighting the need for legislative and policy measures to counter hate speech and discrimination. He also praised the resolution on “measures to combat Islamophobia.” This underscored the importance of raising awareness in all forms and eradicating Islamophobia.
The ambassador expressed deep concern about the widespread anti-Muslim campaigns that were transmitted through media and social platforms, and had a detrimental impact on vulnerable Muslim communities. He specifically condemned Israel’s actions, saying “the world continues to witness daily invasions of Palestinians,” and emphasized that Israel is creating a link between Islam and terrorism to justify crimes against Palestinians.
Irabani also tackled the defamation of the Western Islamic values and sacred symbols, urging the nation to criminalize such actions and engage in collective efforts to combat Islamophobia.
The ambassador also reaffirmed his commitment to combat Iran’s religious extremism and expressed his support for the newly appointed envoy of the Secretary General to combat Islamophobia, he was Mr. Moratino. He highlighted Iran’s preparation to work closely with special envoys to advance these efforts.