This military exercise involves various units of Army ground forces, including artillery, armored divisions, airborne troops, unmanned aerial vehicle units, electronic warfare units, and missile groups, all designed to improve operational readiness and effectiveness in potential combat scenarios. Participated in order to strengthen the
Brigadier General Karim Cheshak, deputy commander of Army Operational Ground Forces, said on Tuesday that the exercise included the use of Fajr-5 missiles and precision-guided artillery, supported by heavy fire from Cobra helicopters targeting mock terrorist group strongholds. said.
General Cheshak said that the main purpose of the war games is to enhance the combat readiness of army ground forces.
“This exercise prepares our military for response and counter operations to any offensive actions,” he said.
He further pointed out that the exercise is aimed at demonstrating Iran’s military superiority and power in the face of enemy psychological operations, while strengthening national morale, unity and cohesion.
The commander noted that the exercise also aims to promote deterrence and disrupt enemy calculations. “We rehearsed the pre-planned strategy using the latest weapons and equipment of the Army Ground Forces,” he added.