He stressed that the country’s borders are the redlines of the Army’s ground forces, and maintaining the security of the border is one of the top priorities of ground forces.
He seized the opportunity to express his gratitude for the flashy efforts and sacrifices of the people and staff of the country’s Army Ground Forces to maintain the security of the country’s borders.
Emphasizing the importance of maintaining authority over any threat and the full preparation of the military, the brigadier general said that the enthusiastic staff and staff of the country’s Army Ground Forces were a strong barrier to any threat, and that this is a source of pride for the military and the Iranian state.
Elsewhere in his remarks, Haidari mentioned the authority and high capabilities of the Army Ground Forces, pointing out that the Army Ground Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the most advanced military equipment, benefiting from dedicated forces, always ready to stand up to the threat and endanger the borders of the country.
By relying on these capabilities, it also emphasized that Iranian army ground forces not only protect the country’s borders, but also ensure regional national authorities and security.
Brigadier Haidari has always been on the ground as a strong defensive unit of the country and does not tolerate any threats to Iran’s territorial integrity and national security.