Tehran -Iran -Aka Shinsha’s rescue and rescue organization (IRCS) will hold a rescue and rescue Olympics in the northern Mersan Dalan from January 21 to 30.
According to ISNA, a total of 256 male and female rescue members from all over the country compete with four teams. He told the IRCS staff, Babak Mahmourdi.
The main purpose of the Olympics is to improve the physical strength and technology of the IRCS rescue squad and increase the efficiency of providing rescue services in the event of a disaster.
The rescue and rescue Olympics include navigation (forest, valley, mountains), rescue baskets, emergency accommodation facilities (tents installation), care in front of hospitals, road rescue missions (stabilization, rescue, transportation) Includes seven steps including. And search and rescue of mountainous areas.
The boys in the competition ended on Saturday, and the women’s competition began on Sunday. “Currently, more than 600 female rescue workers are conducting rescue activities at IRCS. As with men, women have the ability to perform all kinds of missions in various situations, such as accidents, floods, and earthquakes. Most of the victims are women and children, and in some cases, they may exceed men, “said Muff Moody.
IRCS is a top organization
In September 2024, Fausal Mabouve, the International Red Red Cross, the Akashin Shaku Federation (IFRC) project manager, praised the ability of IRCS.
The officials said they were really impressed with the abilities and a wide range of activities of IRCS.
According to a report on the IRCS website, Mabouve added, “The League of League will support Iran -Aka Shinsha’s activities to launch a new stage of cooperation with Iran -Aka Shinsha.”
In May 2024, IRCS chairman Pill Hosein Coryvand said that IRCS was one of the five famous conferences in the world, thanks to its wide range of activities and great results in Japan and overseas. I mentioned.
Colliband said, as part of the IRCS activities, said that IRCS hospitals, pharmacies, and clinics have responded to thousands of people’s medical care and treatment every day.
Overseas IRCS Medical Center has a high reputation worldwide. As a humanitarian organization, IRCS is striving to reduce the suffering of people involved in accidents, emergencies, and conflicts.
“Today, with the cooperation of knowledge -based companies, the manufacturing of gears, protetes, artificial organs, and new drugs is progressing, and we plans to expand their cooperation in rescue and rescue activities,” officials said.