Nasrara marched in an Israeli airstrike using an American-made bunkerbuster bomb on September 27, 2024. His tragic assassination cast a pathetic dol on social media, highlighting his influence beyond Lebanon.
The Israeli Jets targeted six home buildings in the Dahie district of southern Beirut, causing widespread destruction. Five months later, the Lebanese capital has gathered to pay respect and witnessed an influx of supporters carrying the Nezbollah flag and the image of Nasrara.
Nasrara, who led Hezbollah during the 2006 war with Israel, was a central figure in the armed resistance group. His supporters throughout the region traveled to Beirut to honor his legacy.
Social Media Tribute
As activists and influencers arrive, social media is filled with images documenting the destruction left by their journeys and airstrikes.
Tara Reynor O’Grady, president of No Justice No Peace, filmed the bombing site and shared her experiences on X (formerly Twitter).
“This week in Lebanon, we will record the destruction and lend solidarity to those who were internally evacuated when they returned to the village,” she wrote. “One of these above sites is where Hassannaslala from Sei was martialed with the obvious use of permeable missiles.”
An X user named Sarah posted an image of the destruction with a large portrait of Nasrah hanging from the building. “We are in Lebanon!!! We have sacrificed Hassan Nasrara to pay tribute to our heroes,” she wrote.
Geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar, a Brazilian journalist and cradle columnist, shared photos of three buildings in South Beirut, each showing images of Nasrara. He captioned it: “South Beirut. Nasrara Row.”
International people attend
Mandra Mandela, the grandson of South African anti-apartheid activist and former president Nelson Mandela, was also seen in Lebanon wearing a kefier. X user Ali shares his image and “grandchildren of Nelson Mandela, Lebanon, attend the funeral of the martyr leader of resistance.”
Journalist and analyst Wessam Bahrani posted a photo of them standing between the face-covered Hezbollah Fighters. In one image, he raised his fingers with a gesture reminiscent of Nasrara’s speech. “The elite Radwan army of Hezbollah is meticulously preparing for the great funeral of Nasrala this Sunday,” he writes.
American political commentator and influencer Jackson Hinkle also traveled to Beirut and shared photos from the location of Nasrara’s assassination. “The location of the martialists’ assassination sang Hassan Nasrara. Taxes should be spent on American amendments, not Israeli terrorism,” he wrote, criticizing our financial support for Israel. did.
X user Ahmed Hassan recalls his visit and says, “I loved Lebanon because of Seid Hassan and Hezbollah. Now I love it for the beauty of seeing it.”
Extensive Memorial
Haz Aldin, executive chairman of the American Communist Party, said, “I traveled to Lebanon and went to Lebanon to pay tribute to Seid Hassan Nasrara, the hero of people who love revolutionary power and freedom. … His spirit is more alive than ever as he prepares to enter a new phase of revolutionary struggle as a world.”
International journalist and geopolitical analyst Fiorella Isabel posted images of the aftermath of the Israeli strike and announced her attendance at the funeral. “I am in Lebanon for General Hassan Nasrara’s funeral, with hundreds of thousands expected to attend,” she wrote.
David Miller, Palestinian-classified co-host of Press Television, has also arrived in Lebanon for the first time in more than a decade. He shared an image of a roadside sign featuring Hezbollah figures, including Nasrara, who was killed in the Israeli attack and his close aide.
Miller posted another image showing Hezbollah Martyrs, including Fouad Shokor, Ali Karaki and Ibrahim Akil.
The funeral is expected to attract a large crowd, and security preparations are underway across Beirut.