Lebanese Druze leader Walid Jampblatt warned Syrian Druze communities to remain vigilant against foreign interference, urging them to resist attempts to divide the country and manipulate their roles in the region.
Speaking at Mukhtala’s ceremony, celebrating the 48th anniversary of the assassination of his father Kamaljambrat, Jambrat called on Syrian Druze to maintain historic resistance and protect Arab and Islamic identities, the New Arab reported.
Addressing the Syrian Druze population, Jumpblatt urged them to defend a shared struggle with Syrian and Arab citizens from “occupying, colonialism, and the obligations imposed on Golan.”
He warned them to maintain their Islamic heritage, warying them against “Zionist invasions” and making sure none of them become tools for the division of Syria.
His remarks follow growing concern over increasing Israeli outreach to Syrian Druze.
Jumplatt’s speech coincided with his announcement that the annual commemoration of his father’s assassination would be cancelled.
He said “justice was ultimately served” referring to the recent arrest of Ibrahim Huwayya, former Syrian Air Force Intelligence Chief of Intelligence, whom Jambratt is responsible for the murder of his father.
In his speech, Janblatt reaffirmed the Progressive Socialist Party (PSP) commitment to Lebanon’s unity and Arab identity.
He emphasized the need for Israeli forces to withdraw from southern Lebanon completely, sought the boundary between the maritime and land of Lebanon and Syria, and urged relations between the two countries to be rebuilt on a new foundation.
Janblat also criticized the recent visit to Israel by a delegation of around 100 Syrian Druze leaders. This is my first visit in 52 years.
He dismissed the visit as symbolic, saying “the visit, religious or otherwise will not change the facts of the occupation at the height of Palestine and Golan.”