Below is the full text of Kyrgyzstan President Sadir Japarov’s message on the signing of the Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan border treaty.
Dear Kyrgyzstanis!
Today, the border issue between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan remained unresolved for 101 years (since 1924) and has finally been resolved.
This is an important event not only for both countries, but for the Central Asia region as a whole. It can be said that all countries in the region have now completely resolved the border dispute. From this moment on, eternal peace was established in Central Asia.
Central Asian countries must now begin a process of introducing a visa-free regime among themselves and a unified visa for visitors from other countries.
The contract signed today will be presented for ratification in Zhogorku Kenesh (Parliament) by Kamchybek Kydyrshaevich on March 19th.
Before ratification, we did not disclose many details of the document because we did not want to interfere with the process with the signature. Now, March 19th, Kamchybek Kydyrshaevich will provide a thorough explanation of all the details of the contract.
Journalists, public activists, demagogs, populists and those trying to attract attention or vote in the upcoming election will surely be present.
Ask openly and get clear and comprehensive answers. If complex historical issues are resolved between two states, personal interests must be put aside.
Unfortunately, we developed another trend. For the past 30 years, those who have been the loudest screams or acts for the show have become the most popular.
However, the grand, artificial gestures bring only temporary fame, and then many politicians find themselves in a troublesome position. Our people are already learning to see such things.
Whether it’s a lieutenant or a politician on the street, when discussing important issues of the state and people, no one should hurry and make a loud statement. A balanced and reasonable dialogue should be implemented.
The nation should not be the setting for politicians and activists who think, “As long as I give my name, as long as I get votes and votes in the next election.” Such an approach must be abandoned. For 30 years, we have witnessed how reckless statements by politicians have derailed key initiatives. Because of this, how many beneficial projects have stopped or recede?
We were also agents, politicians and ministers. However, we did not engage in populism for attention. In either issue, we carefully studied and analyzed the situation, then raised topics to ensure that our words did not harm the nation or the people. Similarly, this border was carefully studied for four years, measuring 70 times.
Of course, it is difficult to leave the territory that our citizens have transferred to other countries. Because it is their native land, where their ancestors are buried. The residents of Tajik village, which was moved to Kyrgyzstan, feel the same way. This is difficult for both parties.
However, if the state border issues are resolved, the interests of a single village will not be prioritized. Statewide profits come first. Our ancestors rest in many places, from Altai, Yenisei and Kizirjar to Kurja, Ulmki and Beijing.
In addition to the village of Dostuk, several houses have also been relocated and placed in chessboard patterns along the border. This was necessary because the boundary fence had to follow the straight line. Otherwise, future border control will be difficult for border guards from both countries.
Over the course of 30 years, thousands of citizens have died on both sides as a result of the border conflict.
The state does not ignore citizens who are forced to leave their homes. It offers a new modern home with far better living conditions.
You will hear more on March 19th at Zhogorku Kenesh at Kamchybek Kydyrshaevich.