Tehran – A Persian translation of the book “Philosophy” written by Norwegian author and philosopher Lars Svensen was released in Iranian bookstores.
Navid Rashidian translated the book, and Nashr-E brought it up with 391 pages. This is the latest title in the publisher’s series, “Library of Life of Life,” reported Mehr.
Freedom of speech, religion, choice and will – man fought and fought for all this. But what is human freedom? Taking a broad approach across metaphysics, politics and ethics, Lars Swenden explores this question in his fascinating book, looking at the threats faced by freedom today.
Our actions, thoughts and actions are limited by social and legal rules, deadlines and burdens, but Svensen argues that the fundamental requirement for living a human life is the ability to be free.
Originally published in 2013, The Philosophy of Freedom challenges the ways in which we can make meaningful lives a success when we become estranged from the concept of freedom.
Svendsen tackles issues such as the nature of free institutions and the possibilities of freedom in the universe ruled by natural law. He concludes that the true definition of personal freedom is, first and foremost, freedom to devote yourself to what really matters to you.
Building on fascinating discussions about the possibilities of freedom and the limitations within society, this comprehensive study provides an accessible and insightful overview that appeals to scholars and the general reader alike.
Lars Svendsen, 54, is a professor in the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Bergen, Norway. He has published several books translated into 25 languages. In 2008 he received the Meltzer Prize for outstanding research.
“The Philosophy of Bored” (2005), “Fashion: Philosophy” (2006), and “The Philosophy of Fear” (2008) are one of his other famous books.